Scary Movie

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: -Crecrxzy

Summary: Y/n and Hailee are having a movie night and Hailee gets scared.

This'll probably be a short chapter, sorry <3



Y/n's POV:

Me and my girlfriend, Hailee are having a movie night tonight and right now, we're finishing up Spider-Man: No Way Home as I look over, I see Hailee tearing up and letting a few tears fall.

"Are you crying—?"

"What? No!" She defensively tells me, pushing me away from her which makes me laugh. I hold her close and rub her back, her grip having a tight hold on me. "Shut up." She mumbles, I place a kiss on her head and brush my hand through her hair as I let her calm down, "Would you tell me if you had erased my memory?" She asks me, I turn to her confused. "Like, if you were in Peter's position, would you tell me everything or keep it to yourself?" She asks me, I place a kiss on her forehead.

"I would tell you everything." I express to her, "I mean, I wouldn't want you to get hurt or anything but I would tell you everything." I continue on to say, "Because I'd hate it if someone tried to take you away from me as that would be the most heart-breaking thing to ever go through for me." I express to her, she smiles widely at this.

"You think so?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"I know so. I'd hate to see someone hitting on you and me not being able to make any argument." I express to her, she smiles widely and I get rewarded with a bunch of kisses all around my face. I chuckle at this. "Thank you, thank you." I hum out, brushing my hand through her hair when she moves back.

"I'm so lucky to have you." She expresses to me, I tilt my head lightly in confusion; I haven't heard those words before, it makes me kinda wonder why I deserve to hear them.

"Hm?" I question,

"I'm lucky to have you." She repeats, before continuing to say it over again over again with each kiss on my face; I hum at this and lie her down on the couch, lying on top of her and her giving me back scratches. "Do you not think so?" She asks me, I look around and try to find a different thing to talk about.

"What do you wanna watch next?" I ask her, she shrugs lightly as she continues to look at me in confusion. "...Can we watch..." I think for a moment before gasping when the best movie to watch comes to my mind. "The Conjuring?" I ask her, wiggling my eyebrows with a wide smile. She moves her head back and stops giving me back scratches; I look at her in protest and see her wipe her eyes before looking at me as if I was dumb. "Oh, come on, it isn't even that bad." I tell her, she sarcastically laughs at this.

"You're funny." She tells me,

"Says the girl who's crying—"

"I'm not crying!" She defensively rebuttals, "I'm just... sweaty." She tells me, I laugh at this and place a kiss on her head. She grins at this and lets out a small chuckle before hugging into me.

"So," I start, "is that a yeah?"

"No." She states, I groan at this and hang my head back.

"Why not?" I ask her, she chuckles at this and shakes her head.

"Because it's scary and I don't like scary movies!" She argues,

"But you're mom's in it!" I reply,

"Okay, Hawkeye momma. Not my actual momma. Get your facts right, baby." She tells me off, I laugh at this as she begins to smile. I sigh and try to think of a way that I can get her to watch The Conjuring as it's really not that scary, I mean there is like one or two jump scares but it's not that bad. After the first jump scare you can kinda tell how it's gonna be throughout the movie. It was pretty simple honestly. I feel Hailee move me back and lies me back up, sitting back onto my lap and continuing to cuddle into me. "So, pick another movie." She tells me, poking at my stomach. I chuckle at this and swat her hands away,

"No, no, come on, please? We can watch any movie after." I try to reason with her but she is stubborn and continues to say no, "What do I have to do to get you to watch it with me?" I ask her, hoping that there was one thing that I could do.

"Mhmm..." She thinks for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing and her lips moving toward the side as she thinks. "Nothing as we're not watching it." She tells me,

"Fine," I sigh out, I try to think of another horror movie that wouldn't be as scary even though it literally isn't scary. "Scream." I exclaim, excitedly. I love Scream, I want to go see the new one but Hailee is adamant on coming with me.


"The second Conjuring."

"No." She answers, I groan at this and move my head back, trying to think of something that I could do.

"I will literally do anything, I'll make Pasta Bolognese for you! You like my Pasta Bolognese." I remind her, moving my head up and looking at her; she giggles at this.

"I prefer your homemade meatballs." She reminds me, I go to make the 'That's what she said' joke but she covers my mouth, "And don't say, 'That's what she said'." She tells me off in a mocking tone, hitting my arm which I laugh at. She knows me so well. She removes her hand from my mouth and sighs lightly; shaking her head.

"I'll shut up if we watch The Conjuring." I express to her, I see how hesitant she is. "Come on, it isn't scary and I'm right here, nothing is getting you." I continue onto say, she stares into my eyes before sighing heavily.

"...Fine." She groans out, I smile widely, kissing all over her face making her laugh. I put the movie on and we start to watch it.


We're halfway through the movie right now and she has the covers just under her eyes and even then, she's cuddling very, very tightly into me. I place a kiss on her head, making her jump. I snicker at this and she hits me,

"Don't scare me like that." She groans out, tucking her head into my neck, I rub her back and I can feel her anxiety. A jump scares about to happen,

"Jump scares about to happen." I warn her, she nods her head and soon enough, the jump scare happens and Hailee screams lightly before cuddling into me tightly. I smile at this.

"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this." She groans out, I chuckle at this.

"Remember, it's not real." I long out, she sighs at this.

"Is this almost done? I feel like I've been watching this forever." She complains, I nod my head lightly, running my hand through her hair; I place a kiss on her forehead, she hums at this and leans closer to me. I smile at this.

"We've only got a bit left." I tell her, hoping that it was an okay enough answer. We continue to watch it and she continues to jump at the scary bits even though I've warned her.

At the end of the movie, I look to see Hailee shivering slightly and I continue to hold her tightly.

"You did it." I grin out, kissing her forehead.

"I did it." She breathes out, "Now can we watch something like Luca? I like that movie." She expresses to me,

"I thought you didn't because of how much you cried." I remind her, she chuckles at this.

"It's a sad movie! I'm allowed to sob." Hailee replies, I nod my head lightly and put Luca on for her, she smiles contently at this and nods her head.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now