Chasing after her 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Part two!! Woo!!



Hailee's POV:

I walk into the café nearby my house, walking past the window however I notice a certain person sitting down, doing homework. What a little nerd, my favourite nerd.

I head inside, opening the door and going inside, walking over to the table that she's sitting at; sitting across from her, I notice her glance up at me before staring at me and stopping completely.

"I see you've found me." Y/n jokes, flipping the page of her book and beginning to read over and highlight key information to write it down, pulling out flashcards. "You wanna help me?"

"I thought we could talk." I express to her, she glances up at me, showing how confused she is, furrowing her eyebrows with a small laugh,

"Why would we wanna do that?" She asks me, bluntly. Making me laugh, as I glance at the book she's reading.

"Why do you not like me?" I ask her, teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

"I do like you."

"If you liked me, you'd wanna talk to me." I remind her, she groans.

"But that means socialising and less time of being in a false and safe reality." Y/n expresses quickly in reply, making me laugh. I lean back in my chair, seeing the guy who owns the café walk over,

"What can I get ya?"

"Usual for me." Y/n answers, letting her shoulders fall.

"Okay." He hums, writing it down on a small notepad, he turns to me and looks at me expectantly.

"You?" He questions,

"Cheeseburger and fries, with coffee?"

"You too?" He asks me,

"I like my coffee." I reply, smiling.

"So does she. I swear, she comes here 2 times a day, sometimes 4 or 5. Every couple of hours, it's always 'Coffee, please'." He imitates her, making me laugh. She hits his arm, sending him a scolding look.

"I do not sound like that." She protests cutely, I smile at her adorable protest.

"You get it from your mom, take it as a compliment." The man replies, before leaving and walking away; I watch as he goes into the back, probably to make the food. I turn to Y/n and see her already looking at me, we stare at one another for a moment before she scoffs, turning back to her work. I point toward the book, noticing her eyes follow my hand; glancing up at me then what I'm pointing at, her narrowing her eyes curiously.

"Personal or for a class?" I question, raising an eyebrow.

"Why d'you wanna know?" Y/n asks me, raising an eyebrow, leaning toward me with a subtle smile. I giggle at this,

"'Cause I wanna get to know you better." I answer in reply, earning a wide smile from her, chuckling.

"Is that so?"

"That so." I confirm, nodding my head.

"That so..." She mumbles under her breath, looking back at her study stuff; she gathers her things and begins to put her books away, she rests her arms on the table, staring at me and not saying anything for a moment. "So... what do you wanna talk about, then?" Y/n asks me,

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now