How to skateboard 101

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: Crecrxzy

Summary: Y/n teaches Hailee how to ride a skateboard.

TW: Happy couple— I'm joking ahha



Y/n's POV:

I'm in mine and Hailee's back-garden, she's in an interview right now and I'm trying to entertain the dogs, we recently got Brando and he's such a cutie! But I still love Martini. I love them the same actually and I mean it. This would be so much easier if Hailee could help me as I could just hold her hands and she could keep me stable while I try to learn this but I'll have to work with what I got, Brando gets in my way as he just stands there, looking at me.

"Come on, dude, can you move for me?" I ask him, he goes on his back legs while his two front legs are in the air, I grin at this. "Okay, I can't stay mad at you." I tell him and walk over, I pick him up and that's when I see Martini come over, I sit down and I cross my legs making sure that there's space for them to sit in the small space. "You guys comfy? I don't want either of you getting hurt." I say to them and look around to see that there is nothing that can hurt them so I set them between my legs and pet both of them. Martini rests her front legs on my leg looking around, "Come here, Teenie." I tell her, then whistle. They both turn to me. "Momma's busy working, we gotta stay here." I explain to them and place a kiss on each of their heads. I hear them whine, "I know... I want momma to be here too." I express to them and continue to play with them, throwing the ball to distract them, I could maybe take them for a walk? I don't know. We'll see.

"Baby?" I hear Hailee call on me, I quickly look over toward the door and I grab the ball quickly and me, Martini and Brando rush over to her. I pick her up and hug her. She laughs at this. "Hi, baby." She grins out, I hold her close and set her down to where Martini and Brando try to get her attention but I continue to hug her. So, she can't. "I know, babies, I'll be there in a second." She tells them but they continue to rest their front legs on her legs and whine. "Can I go give them attention so they'll stop."

"In a minute, I like giving you hugs." I grin out, she blushes at this and melts into my hug. I smile at this. Before sighing and letting go, she kneels down and I hand her the balls to distract them. They both rush after each one that they have and I quickly turn to her and give her a kiss that she's surprised by but she kisses me back.

"Mmm, hello to you too." She grins out when we pull away, I place a kiss on her head.

"Are you done?"

"No, I have a few more." She informs me, I let my shoulders fall. She rests her hand on my cheek, "I know, my love. But we'll still be able to go to our reservation tonight." She assures me,

"I'm excited! Are you?" I ask her, she nods her head laughing.

"I am. I'm also glad that Ella has taken the duty of taking care of our babies." She grins out, looking to see that Martini and Brando are back. She picks up Martini's ball and I pick up Brando's and we both fake throw it and they rush off in the garden, "They're so cute." She giggles out, I turn to her in protest. "And you." She adds, I smile at this, feeling assured. She rests her hand in my hair before throwing the ball at the other side and I do the same while the dogs continue to look at where we 'threw' it the first time.

"I'm gonna have to get the ball, aren't I?" I ask her, turning to her, she nods her head laughing. I smile at this and walk over to where we threw the balls and whistle, they both look in my direction and begin barking. "I know, I know. Hey! Hey! It's here." I hide it behind it back and put it in my back pockets. I move my hand back in front of me, I fake gasp. "Where are they?" I ask them, they walk around me and whenever they try to look behind me, I turn around with them. Brando quickly gives up and walks over to Hailee, sitting beside her while Martini was determined to find it, I pull one ball out of my pocket and Brando starts barking and Martini looks and tries to jump for it but misses. "Aw! Brando!" I exclaim before laughing, I pull the other ball out and I hand them to the two before sitting next to Hailee. "I have a question." I tell her, both of us turning to one another.

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