Younger Sibling 2

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A/N: Emily Junk x Reader





Emily's POV:

I walk around the corner and see Y/n skateboarding down the hall with some other girl, both of them laughing but she quickly hops off and grabs her skateboard as she sees me, she bows a little as she smiles at me,

"Emily." She hums out, greeting me. I return the gesture.

"Y/n." I laugh out, she smiles at this.

"So! I have a question." She expresses to me, I nod my head lightly.

"Ask away." I tell her, smiling as she looks at me with such heart eyes; I love it, I think I like her— well, I say I think... I—I know I like her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me? There's this cool thriller movie on that I wanted to go too and I thought we could go together?" She suggests, I nod my head lightly and smile.

"I'd love that, when is it?" I ask her,

"...Tonight?" She informs me, I think about what I'm doing tonight before I quickly realise, I have nothing going on tonight.

"I'm free." I inform her, I see her eyes light up at this.

"Great! I will buy us the tickets and we can go at... 7?" She suggests,




"Amazing. Cool. Um, I—I gotta go! But I will see you later?" She asks me, I nod my head, she quickly hugs me and I hug her back before she slips away and walks to catch up with her friend. I smile at this and start to walk down the corridor to see Jane staring at me with a wide smirk on her face as if she was right; I roll my eyes at this and send her the middle finger, someone walks in front of me and scoffs,

"Not you." I tell him, as he walks past and glares at me. I see Y/n notice this.

"Hey! Don't be rude, asshole." Y/n tells him off, he looks at her and I see him panic and rush off, she gives me a thumbs up that I return and head over to Jane.

"Shut up. Don't start—"

"Oh, come on! It's so blatantly obvious that she wants to date you." Jane expresses to me, I shake my head and rest my head on her shoulder.

"It's not! I wanna know how she feels about me but it's complicated. Plus, what if Beca gets mad at me?" I ask her, before feeling my eyes widen at this and I remove my head from her shoulder. "Oh, my god! What if she gets mad at me? I—I didn't even think of it like that! She's gonna kill me—!"

"Whose gonna kill you?" I hear Beca's voice question me, I jump at this and turn to see her. "Hey long legs, how are you?" She asks me, I look at her confused and go to speak but pause, as I see Y/n looking over at me. Beca glances at her and she shy's away, I smile at this and look down when Beca turns back to me. "My god, just date each other already." She tells me, I look at her in surprise.


"That's what I've been saying." Jane giggles out, Beca offers a sarcastic smile to her then turns to me.

"Seriously, Junk, I mean it. Just tell her how you feel, I know she likes you back." She informs me, my eyes widen at this for a moment in surprise.

"Wait, really?" I ask her, excitedly. She nods her head.

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