Awkward First Day 2

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A/N: Kate x Reader





Y/n's POV:

I arrive at the scene and look around, trying to find the person who is robbing Bodega's. I find a guy in a ski mask and sneak attack him, webbing his gun and moving behind him, causing it to hit his head. I move his gun onto the roof, webbing it there. Kicking the guy in the face, knocking him out. I see three guys come out from the back,

"Ah, now here's a party! Hey, guys!" I greet them, waving excitedly. One guy tries to shoot me multiple times but I dodge every one of them. I move toward him, punching him. I kick one into the back room and as I'm fighting, I call EDITH. "E... WOAH!" I feel myself punched and kicked onto the floor but I slide back, landing it, webbing him in the face, "Edith, I need you to call the police." I order her to do,

"Yes, Spider-Woman." Edith replies, I flip onto the wall and web one guy to the ceiling, I jump onto the last guy, crawling around him, before tying him to the ceiling. I put the money back and make sure Teo is okay. I feel pain in my leg from yesterday and my ribs are still sore, which is making it a little harder to breathe.

"Thanks, Spider-Woman." Teo thanks me, patting my back.

"No problem, Teo. Let me know if anything's missing, I called police to pick up these idiots." I explain to him,

"Thank you so much." He thanks me again, smiling widely. "Can I get you a churro?" He asks me,

"I'd love one." I tell him, feeling myself smile. I watch as he gets me one, he wraps a wrapper around it and hands it to me, I go to get some money but he puts his hand out,

"No, no, no, no. It's free." He tells me, I feel my eyes light up and I nod my head.

"T—Thank you, Mr Teo." I thank him, "I gotta go! But I'll see you later! Have a good night, sir." I tell him, leaving and webbing a lamp post, jumping up and beginning to swing before getting on a tall building and lifting my mask up to the bridge of my nose, so I can breathe and eat. I see Edith appear,

"Hello, Miss Spider-Woman, you have a phone call incoming." Edith informs me,

"From who?" I ask, confused.

"Miss Bishop." Edith answers,

"Wait— uh... Kate or—or Eleanor?"

"Kate." Edith answers,

"All right, answer the call and connect to my suit please." I tell her,

"Yes, Miss." I hear the button that would be pressed to answer the call,

"Y/n! Hi!" I hear Kate say, feeling my shoulders fall and myself become less tense. "I was wondering if you made it home yet?" She asks me,

"Oh, uh... well... I—I'm near my apartment— like 10 minutes away, I can meet you there?" I suggest,

"Yeah! I got some stuff that I want to help clean your wounds with." I hear her reply,

"That's so sweet, are you sure?" I ask, "I don't wanna bother you." I add, earning a light laugh afterward.

"You wouldn't bother me, now, go to your apartment. I'll break in— no, I'm joking. Just text me when you're home and I'll head over." She explains to me,

"All right, sure." I agree, pulling my mask down and I begin to swing to my apartment. "I'll see you there." I say to her,

"See you." She replies.


I arrive in my apartment and crawl inside, I shut my window over and send a message to Kate, I quickly get out of my suit and into some clothes but it was kinda sore as I was sore from the fighting from yesterday and the parts today. I hear a knock on my door and I web the door open. Seeing Kate look a little shocked.

"Shit, are you okay?" She asks me, rushing over to me and resting her hand on my cheek, glancing at my injuries then looking into my eyes. "What the hell have you done?"

"Okay, remember, it wasn't me. It was bad guys." I reply, seeing her roll her eyes.

"Same thing." She replies,

"Really? Because I feel like there is a massive difference between superhero and criminal, especially in their moral—"

"—Will you shut up and let me aid you?" Kate tells me, I nod my head and offer a short nod and smile.

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." I agree.


At the moment, she's aiding me and putting some plasters on the small cuts, one being on the bridge of my nose, she peels off the bit that stops it from being sticky and looks at me.

"You gotta start being more careful." She expresses to me, looking at my seriously as her shoulders are tense and she's repeatedly biting on her bottom lip. I sigh, letting my shoulders fall.

"Believe me, I know. I just—"

"—You just what? Get cocky?" She asks, I see her staring at me, expectantly, waiting for me to actually answer.

"Well... yeah, sorta." I answer, mumbling.

"My, god."

"Come on, I mean look at me, I definitely have a higher IQ than any of those guys. They think their so smart but I can take them down in seconds!" I explain to her, excitedly. Her eyes move somewhere imperceptibly before landing back on me, anger in her eyes.

"But it gets you hurt—!"

"—A minor detail—"

"—One that can become a huge detail—"

"—When is necessary. I haven't been badly injured that I need to be taken to the hospital before, and I plan to keep it that way—"

"—Y/n." I hear Kate sternly say my name,

"I promise I'll be better." I reply, mockingly. Seeing her stare me down as she stops everything she's doing. Letting out a sigh. I can tell she isn't happy with how I'm handling this. "Okay, I'm sorry." I apologise, sincerely. Her eyes meet mines as she blinks, stopping tears that I only just notice now to stop falling down. "I'm sorry, I'm just... not used to this. But, really, I mean it. I
will be more careful and smarter." I assure her, resting my hands on her forearms.

"You promise?" She asks, quietly, a small smile tugging on her lips as her shoulders fall.

"I do. I promise." I answer, truthfully, seeing a small smile tug on her lips.

"Okay... let me continue to patch me up then we can watch a movie and eat takeout?" She suggests,

"I'd love that." I admit to her, resting my hand on her cheek and glancing at her lips. Sitting up a little and going to lean in,

"Uh-Uh. Nope."



"—Why not—?"

"—No kisses." Kate states, shaking her head for a second.




"Don't play with me, Y/n."

"But you like it when I play." I say, sitting up but she sits me back down.

"You were being rude, and cocky. I will not accept that." She tells me, patting my cheek. "Better luck next time." She adds, making me laugh as she puts a plaster on the bridge of my nose. I groan but let her continue to aid me.

I love her, she's so feisty but I don't care. I like it.


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