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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader

Summary: Y/n takes Charlie to a swimming pool and managed a big task that she didn't think would be easy.




Y/n's POV:

I arrive at Charlie's garage and knock on the door, waiting for her to let me in.

"Come in!" I hear the beautiful voice of my girlfriend, I open the door and see her by Bumblebee, replacing the radio. She glances back at me and I'm just smiling at her; shutting the door, I walk over to her.

"Hi." I grin out, Bee waves at me and I put my hand out, he moves his hand closer and I give him a high five, I turn to Charlie who is just smiling at me. "Hi, my love." I grin out, she blushes at this and quickly retracts her eyes and soon enough, the music starts to play.

"I did it!" She grins out excitedly,

"Let's go!" I cheer out for her, she turns to me and opens her arms; I walk toward her and she moves into my touch, jumping down. I catch her just in case and place a kiss on her cheek. "I missed you." I grin out, I barely see her as we're both working really hard. Her at the HotDog Stand on the Boardwalk while I work at the pool and I've been picking up extra shifts like doing swimming lessons.

"And I've missed you." She grins out, moving her head back from my neck and kisses me, I grin at this and kiss her back. Holding her close as I set her down. We slowly pull away and Bumblebee turns into his car form and the doors open, we both turn to one another.

"Up for a late night drive, Watson?" I ask her, she grins at this and nods her head.

"I'd love nothing more." She hums out,

"Good because I have a place where I want us too go and I have the keys." I hum out, she looks at me confused.


"Two words. First word starts with S', second word starts with 'P'." I see her thinking before she looks at me,

"No. No, I'm not going—"


"I... can't." She tells me, I rest my left hand under her chin and lift her head up while my right hand rests on her cheek,

"I made sure no one is gonna be there, I promise it'll just be us and even then; you don't have to go diving. We can just swim and mess around." I explain to her, her eyes light up at this.

"We don't?"

"No." I admit to her, "I just thought it'd be fun, but if you really don't want to go, we can stay here, hang out with Bee. Watch the Breakfast Club, um, o—or we could listen to the Smith's while working on your Corvette—" I fee Charlie place her lips on mine, I smile at this and kiss her back; moving my hand to her neck and my left hand on her waist, pulling her closer. She slowly pulls away and she smiles at me,

"Can we go on, um, a—a really love drive afterwards?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"We can do whatever you want." I express to her, she blushes at this.

"That so?"

"Mhmm-hmm." I grin out, she places one last kiss on my lips before pulling away and sighing,

"I'll go and get changed, okay?"

"I'll be here with Bee." I tell her, she nods her head and places a kiss on my cheek. I grin at this and she leaves the room and I put the Breakfast Club on for Bee. "You still like this movie?" I ask him, he nods his head. Smiling. He walks over and sits down beside me. "I like this movie too." I grin out, "It's a nice movie." I add which he agrees with.

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