Hesitant Love

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A/N: Nadine x Reader

Basically, I'm watching "ur internet mom ash" and she did a video on story times of her boyfriend and got inspo aha

Summary: Nadine goes into her sophomore year and meets a girl in Junior year, Y/n L/n, and when they are put into the same class. Things get going and they start talking, and the romance starts from there.



Nadine's POV:

Here we go, another year of this shithole. I hate being here. I hate school and it's only the first day. First. Day! I really want to turn around and go home, I really do. I hate this school so much and it does not help me that so many girls are beginning to really like my brother. I hate my brother for that, as he's so perfect in everyone's eyes and I simply don't. See. How!

I walk down the corridor as I fix my left bag strap as it felt a little bit uncomfortable, I glance around before letting my head fall and watch my footsteps so that I don't step on the back of anyone's shoes since I am not ready to get into an argument. I glance up to make sure that I won't bump into anyone as I know that sometimes, people like to be annoying and walk on the side where people are going in the opposite direction.

As I head into my third period class, which was upsettingly geography. I realise I genuinely don't think that there is anyone that I know in this class, and I kinda hate it. I really do. I head into the class and glance around to see that I have the 'best looking' teacher in the department, Mr Evans, who is... not a bad teacher... but he isn't the greatest teacher either. He likes to hear about loads of drama and continuously goes to other people and you have to wait like 20 minutes just for him to give you the shortest explanation ever then fuck off.

"Hello, everybody." Mr Evans greets everyone who had just walked in, including me. I sit in the middle, near the wall and heater so that when winter comes, I can at least be somewhat warm. I set my bag underneath my table and begin to pull out a pencil and my water bottle so I can stay hydrated. "Right, let me get everyone registered, then, I need to tell you all something." He expresses before letting out a sigh, letting his shoulders fall. Everyone begins to 'Ooh', making me chuckle softly, shaking my head. He sets his laptop down on the desk and opens the screen up, moving the keyboard down.

"Sir, you okay?" I hear this one girl say as she walks in, shutting the door. She... is so beautiful! She's stunning! Holy shit...

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. Just... went through something quite traumatic." He answers with a light chuckle, the girl gasping.

"No! Sir, I thought we talked about no more traumatic experiences." She replies, sarcastically, making quite a lot of people laugh - including me - as she begins to laugh and moves out the way of Mr Evans light hit on the arm as she moves to the seat beside me since it was the only one free, I managed to catch a smell of her perfume and it was amazing! She smelt so nice— as... weird as that sounds now...

"Shut it, you." Mr Evans tells her, making the girl snicker, he goes over to the desk and begins to type in his username and password to log onto his computer, "Y/n." I hear him call out, the girl beside me lifts her head as she unzips her bag.

"What'd you want?" She asks in reply, making everyone laugh.

"Jesus, no need to be so aggressive, L/n!" Mr Evans jokes, sarcastically, causing more laughter to erupt while a small smile tugs on my lips; making me hum lightly at their light back and forth, I look over at her, noticing her glance around the room. I quickly look away, not wanting to get caught looking at her. "Can you come hand out the jotters?" He asks, pulling out 30 blue jotters, Y/n sighs, setting her bag down and setting her pen down on her desk. She rests her hands on her desk and moves her chair back, she pushes herself to stand up and begins to head over. "There we go, punishment for the rudeness." Mr Evans continues onto say, jokingly, making me and a couple of others snicker. She begins to hand out the jotters and when she gets to me, she stops completely. Staring at me. I pause, glancing up at her before staring at her, raising my eyebrow in confusion.

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