"Well... what a missed opportunity!" 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Hailee's POV:

It's been a few days since I found out that Y/n used to have a crush on me and I had a crush on her at the same time... I haven't gotten it out of my head and whenever Niall kisses me or just does anything, it isn't the same. I hate to say it, but it ain't the same as before. I used to feel something and now it's gone. I BLAME Y/N! BLAMING HER! I don't know how but we've been talking even more now which I didn't think was even possible, I mean we were close before and she's stayed the night and slept on the couch but I stayed with her. She has her head tucked into my neck and is practically on top of me, she is so cute when she sleeps.

I feel her stir awake and she groans slightly, moving on top of me properly and just sighing, I run my hands through her hair and I see a light smile form on her lips. I continue to run my hand through her hair, which keeps the smile on her face.

"Good morning." I tell her, she mumbles something before sighing and not moving. I look at her and see her trying to fall back asleep, "Don't you want to get up?" I ask her, she shakes her head.

"No." She mumbles before yawning then realising where she was, she sits up. "Shit, I'm sorry." She apologises, I shake my head, giving her a smile.

"It's fine." I dismiss,

"No, I'm sorry. I overstayed my welcome and I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. Tell Niall I'm sorry." She apologises to me, getting up and folding the blanket that was over us, I still have one. I sit up and crack my back, yawning a little bit.

"It's fine, really, Y/n." I dismiss, hoping she'll take the hint that I want her to stay, she looks over at me and offers a smile.

"Well, I've been... staying over a lot. Niall's probably fed up with me." She tells me, I look at her confused.

"Why would he be fed up with you?" I ask her, she grabs her bag that had games that me and her played until 4am. We were playing on the couch, then watched a little bit of TV but then we both fell asleep which is how we ended up sleeping on the couch,

"He hates me." She laughs out lightly, saying it as if it was a fact. I look at her confused and a little shocked, I didn't know this. "What? Did you not know?" She asks, I shake my head. "Oh, shit, you didn't know. I'm—I'm sorry." She apologises,

"Why does he hate you?" I ask her, standing up and following her toward the door as she was going to make her exit.

"Well, he must've found out about our old feelings and I guess he's scared that they'll come back, I don't know. Ask him." She tells me, she turns around and gives me a hug. I hug her back and she places a kiss on my head, "Bye, bub." She says, smiling when we pulled away. "Are you going to... the party tonight?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah. I'll see you then! Ta ta!" She waves and heads out the door, shutting it behind her. I let my shoulders fall at this. I can't believe him, how can he not like Y/n?


Me and Niall arrive at the party that was at a bar, I look around trying to see who is at the party and it seems to be a lot of my friends and a few people that I don't know, but I'm open to meeting anyone. I do get nervous sometimes but if I'm with people that I know then yeah, I'll be fine.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now