Hailee takes care of you

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

(My tags aren't working again, sorry)

Summary: Hailee takes care of us when we're really ill.



Hailee's POV:

I wake up to hearing Y/n throwing up, again. I sit up and look around, finding her hovering over the toilet as she throws up, holding her hair up; I walk over to her and rub her back, holding her hair for her.

"It's okay, let it out." I tell her, softly. She groans at this, holding her stomach and sits herself down; she rests her arm on the seat and then her head. She groans again while holding her stomach. "You not feeling any better?" I ask her, she nods her head.

"I keep throwing up..." She complains, "I can't eat cause I'll throw up but if I don't. I throw up." She continues on to complain, I rub her back and sit behind her, she leans against me as she shakes, whenever she throws up, her whole body trembles and it's always a sight that tugs on my heart, making it break slightly. As well as when she cries, she shakes. There was this one time, for 4 days in a row, she cried and she could barely walk without being in pain because of how bad it was. I felt so bad for her, she couldn't even get up and out of bed. She cuddles into me, and sighs; looking upset as tears build in her eyes, "I'm sorry." She mumbles quietly, I move the hair out of her face and place a kiss on her forehead.

"How come your apologising?" I ask her, she sighs lightly.

"I feel so bad." She expresses to me, I run my hand through her hair as I know that she enjoys head scratches. "I just wish... that I could do something. You know? I'd trade anything for this to stop." She continues on to say, with the cramps; the sickness, the pounding headache, everything sounding as if it was louder than usual, her mind blocked as she's been complaining that she can't think of anything for her story. Or her songs. I'd hate it. But I'd do it for her.

"I'm sorry, my love." I whisper to her softly, I feel her let out a small sob before she starts shaking really quickly. I let her cry and hold her tightly, "I'm gonna make everything better, I promise." I whisper to her, her breath hiccups before she holds her stomach in pain.


I wake up to hearing Y/n on the phone in the bathroom. "Yeah, done that." I hear her reply, she pauses for a moment, "Ye—" She sighs, "Yes, yes, I kn—" She pauses again for a minute or two, "Mom. Stop it, I'm fine. I'm just feeling sick—! Yes, I know. I know— mom, you know I don't like soup." She says— wait, hold on? Excuse me? I can't give my girlfriend the one thing that'll probably help her? I was gonna make her some soup! "Look! Can I just go? Please?" I hear her ask, she pauses for a few seconds and then I hear: "Alright, bye— no, I'm not saying it back— fine!" She groans out, "bye, love you." She quickly says then hangs up before I hear her say: "Eugh." She complains, I grin at this and she opens the door and shuts the light off before turning to me,

"Hey." I greet her, she gives me a small smile.

"Hi." She replies, "I'm gonna go for a shower, put some clothes on then I'm gonna go train." She tells me, going to move but I pull her back, "Wha—?"

"You are unwell, Y/n! What're you doing?" I ask her, she looks at me confused.

"Um, trying to go for a shower." She answers,

"No shit. You're sick, you need to rest." I tell her, she rolls her eyes and buries her head into the pillow beside her.

"I'm fine—"

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now