"Well... What a missed opportunity!" 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


Sorry that I'm so late to this part three, I've just been so busy!



Y/n's POV:

I wake up to feeling a weight cuddle into me, I groan at this, rubbing my eyes. I look around and when I slowly open my eyes; I regret it, the brightness of the sun that shines through the window makes me want to simply die and never see daylight again. I hate waking up to the sun. As much as I welcome sunrise, I would pleasantly love to just wake up and be welcomed by the sunset or the moon.

I hear the door open, making me jump slightly. I open my eyes and see Hailee cuddling into me. I groan at this and move her off of me, I get out of bed and stumble toward the windowsill, I rest my hand on my head, rubbing it in pain.

"Hailee?! Babe, we need to talk!" I hear Niall shout, Hailee starts to flutter awake but I see her roll on her side and continue to keep her eyes shut. I chuckle at this and head toward the bathroom, not fully shutting the door; I hear Niall come upstairs. "Baby! Where are you?" I hear him shout, I look at my watch and see the time is 1pm. Fuck sake, seriously? "Babe— oh, shit." I hear him say, I peak to see him walking over and pulling the covers over her, I see the door open and sneak out of the bathroom then out of the room; I put my shoes on as I head toward my car and start to quickly drive away.#

I sigh in relief and go to a café nearby so I can get some water and something to eat. Wait, no, I need to go home. I need to shower, wake up fully and get changed.


I'm walking down the street right now in some jeans, white t-shirt and Hailee's hoodie that I stole from her a while ago, still fits me which is nice. I'm trying to look for a new café and I'm kinda just going around at different cafe's, trying my favourite drink there and rating it out of 10. Everyone's busy so this is what I do when I'm really bored. It's kinda depressing.

I turn the corner as it said on google maps for me too and when I look up and glance around to try and find the shop; I look ahead to see Ella and Hailee. Hmm. That's nice to see them. I just walk past them and I have to fit through Hailee and this older woman who will not move. I swear to god, I'm not gonna lie, I would love to talk to them but at the same time, I don't know Ella that well and I am way too awkward for greetings. I squeeze past the two, accidently placing my hand on Hailee's hip muttering apologies.

"Y/n?" I hear a voice say, I stop and turn around to see Hailee staring at me then smiling, "Y/n! Hi." She grins out, stopping Ella. "Ella this is my best friend Y/n. Y/n, this is my co-star and good friend, Ella." Hailee introduces, I put my hand out and she shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n. I have heard a lot of great things about you." She expresses to me, I smile at this and nod my head lightly.

"I... uhm, thank you." I chuckle out, nervously. "I too have heard great things of the great Ella... Hunt? Is it?" I ask her, us removing our hands together, she nods her head.

"That's me." Ella confirms,

"Ah, it's so great to finally meet you!" I grin out, excitedly and turn to Hailee, "And Hailee, it's a pleasure bumping into you." I add, as I saw some sort've impatient look from her and she normally does that when she's waiting for someone to say hi to her. I see her smile contently.

"Hey, what're you doing right now?" Hailee asks me, 

"All right, don't judge." I tell her, she laughs at this.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now