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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: meems03

Summary: Hailee has a stalker and her girlfriend, Y/n, picks up on it and when the stalker tries to attack Hailee, Y/n fights them off but ends up having to go to the hospital for a serious injury. Will she survive? Find out...



Hailee's POV:

I'm walking down the street as I'm going to meet my friend, Kaitlyn, at a coffee shop just a couple of minutes away, I put my phone in my pocket and continue to walk down the street, glancing around to see what stores were around, I kinda miss my girlfriend and I wish she could've joined us but she promised her friends that she would go to the skatepark with them and whenever she goes there, there's always a funny story to hear so I'm excited to hear the story. I look around me and notice a guy turn around, he's wearing all black and pulls out his phone. Odd. I face ahead and continue to walk, looking out for the shop.

"Mhmm..." I let out, wondering where it is, she said it was around here. I turn the corner as it must be down this street and I glance back and see the guy following me again, what the hell? I start to walk a little faster even though I'm walking moderately fast. I hear my name and look around to see the guy quickly lean against a post and laugh at this phone, I roll my eyes at this.

"Hailee." I feel someone tap my shoulder which I jump at and squeal at, I quickly turn around and see Kaitlyn, sighing in relief. "Sorry for scaring you, I—I didn't...—"

"No, it's okay. Uh, hey! Hey!" I greet her, opening my arms for a hug, she hugs me back.

"Hey." She greets me, laughing lightly. We pull away and we head inside to the coffee shop and order our drinks.


I'm on my phone as I'm in the car, waiting for my girlfriend Y/n to finish her work and come to my car so I can drive us phone, I have my window open and hear some sort've clicking, I look around and see a guy turning away from me, he looks familiar?

He takes a couple of photos of down the street and the sunset,

"Hello, love." I hear Y/n say to me, I turn toward the passenger's side door and see her shut the door; her putting the seatbelt on, she leans over and places a kiss on my cheek. I kiss hers and when she tries to move back, I cup her chin, turning her toward me and kissing her lips; she kisses me back, wrapping an arm around my neck as her right hand rests on my cheek, she pulls away after a moment, a blushing mess. "What was that for, baby? And when can I get another?" She asks me, blushing madly as she moves back, dragging her hand down my arm then to her side, I smile at her sudden shyness, as I notice her struggle to maintain to keep eye contact.

"I just love you so much, you ready to go home?" I ask her, noticing her fiddle with the ring that rests on her ring finger, our promise ring. I love how it's a promise ring and helps her anxiety.

"So ready." She lets out, smiling widely as she moves the chair back a little bit and forces her eyes shut for a moment, I take a hold of her hand once I pull out of the spot and she takes hold of my hand, beginning to talk about her day.


I run toward the White Range Rover with a smile as my girlfriend, Y/n L/n, is picking me up and we've been texting throughout the day and she was so cute, she's been such a dream to be with and I'm glad that she is my first girlfriend as she is the best I could ever ask for. I open the door and get in, as it was pouring with rain, I turn and see her wearing a straw cowboy hat that said 'Sheriff' on the front, making me laugh.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now