"Hailee... I can explain" 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader




Hailee's POV:

"Hailee... I can explain." Y/n starts, I look at the guy seeing that his hands are on her waist.

What the hell?

"Yeah, I wanna hear what you have to say, actually. Who the hell is this?" I question, pointing over at the guy. The guy looks at me confused,

"Who're you?" He asks me,

"Y/n's girl—"

"I... I thought you two were best friends?" Lily asks, glancing between me and Y/n

"Well... Well, we were—are. We are." Y/n answers, nodding her head lightly. "Right, everyone sit down, let me explain." She continues onto say, looking at me with pleading eyes, I sigh. Nodding my head. Forcing my shoulders to relax.

"What a great way to come home—!"

"—Shut the hell up. I need to talk to you privately—"

"—No, I think we should all discuss. I would also like to know who the hell he is." I butt in, talking over Y/n earning a huff.

"Everyone shut up! Hailee, this is my ex-boyfriend Travis. Travis, this is Hailee. My current girlfriend." Y/n explains to everyone,

"Yeah, I'm her girlfriend." I back her up, hitting his hand off of her waist. "So, I hope you'll understand when I say get your hands off of my girlfriend." I possessively add, beginning to move toward him but Y/n wraps an arm around my left arm.

"Okay, calm it Juliet." Y/n whispers to me, patting my upper arm. I glance at her as she moves in front of me. "What the hell were you thinking coming here?" She whispers.

"Mom, what's happening?" I hear Lily ask but when I look over at her, I notice that she's looking at me. OH— SHE CALLED ME MOM, BITCH! Take that fucking Travis!

"Everything's okay, my love. Why don't we all go into the dining room?" I suggest to everyone,

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Y/n agrees, directing all of us into the dining room and Lily clings onto my hand, moving close to me. Her hand wrapping around my pinkie. She's so cute, I swear, I feel like Lily's my daughter sometimes and I really wish I was her mother and met Y/n earlier in my life. We all sit down in silence, Travis sighing.

"So... how long have—have you two... you know? Been together for?" Travis questions, staring me down for a moment as I move back from sitting Lily down in her chair.

"A couple of weeks." I answer for Y/n, as she leans over to Lily and the two start whispering to one another, I think Y/n is explaining just gay marriage while me and Travis talk.

"Right," He lets out, leaning back in his chair, nodding his head. He glances at Y/n then back at me, trying to bite back a smile, "okay... well... um, it was nice seeing you but I think I've got it from here—"

"Listen, you seem like an ass—"

"—Hailee!" Lily exclaims, turning to me and pointing at me, "Don't say bad words." She tells her off, making me smile.

"I'm sorry, Lilybug. I won't do it again." I apologise, she smiles at me and turns back to Y/n, I turn to Travis, "I won't be going anywhere." I inform him,

"But you're not a part of this family." Travis argues,

"Neither are you." Y/n argues, turning to him. Pinging his head.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now