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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader

Summary: Y/n / Spider-Woman decides to work out with her girlfriend, Kate, and turns out to be a lot more stronger than they both thought.



Y/n's POV:

I hear a knock on my door and immediately know that it's Kate as she always knocks, normally everyone just walks in.

"Come in, Kate!" I shout to her, as I'm at my desk, doing some paperwork right now. The door opens and shuts before I hear footsteps then soon enough, arms wrapping around my neck. "Hello, love." I greet her, turning to look at her, she smiles and places a kiss on my lips. I kiss her back and she pulls away after a moment. She has this look in her eye when she wants something and right now, I notice it. "What's up?" I ask her,

"Do you... kinda, want to come work out with me?" She offers, I think for a moment as I haven't been to the gym in like 3-4 months, should I? I mean it might be fun. I just decide to agree,

"Yeah, sure." I agree, her eyes light up at this and I place a kiss on her cheek as her arms unravel and move back to her side, she moves out my way and I move back and head over to my closet getting changed while Kate leaves. I put some shorts on and put my sports bra on then put my workout socks on as well as my Nike shoes. I head to the gym and see Kate on the bike, I join her and we do 5 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the rowing machine then 5 minutes skipping as that's our warm up. We both have earphones in but the ear closest to each other is free so we can talk to one another, I might just try get back into the gym lightly. I might do punching bags, ask Happy to put pads on and help me with punching, get Yelena to help me with striking and different techniques of grappling then do tires as well as pull ups as there two handles on the wall nearby. "What're you doing today?" I ask her, looking over at her, she takes light breaths as she has the level on at 10, me having the same. Just so we can make our legs work for it and if I feel like it, I might move it up to 15.

"I might do legs." She answers, I nod my head lightly. As I place my hands on my hips while continuing to cycle on the steady bike.

"You sure your gonna be able to walk afterwards?" I joke, she rolls her eyes at this and laughs lightly, I smile at this and just grin. "I just want to do pads, punching bag, pull ups and then I'll get into actual like certain parts of the body, I just want to warm into it today." I express to her, she nods her head lightly.

"Sounds fair, I mean you haven't been to the gym in like what? 3 months?" She asks me,

"4." I chuckle out, she nods her head lightly. I mean I still eat healthy and I still kinda work out because I'm literally Spider-Woman. It's my job to save people and the world which takes a lot of stamina, fighting strength and power. I get to pads and Happy arrives with his two pads. He goes in the ring and Kate had put my tapes on, I put my punching gloves on and Happy starts telling me certain combos.

"Right, jab, jab, right." He explains to me, I nod my head and he moves his left hand out as if to shake a hand and I hit it with a right then jab with my left twice then hit with a right hook again before moving back. "Again. Get comfortable with that." He tells me, I nod my head and continue to repeat that before I move back. "Left hook, jab, duck, jab, right hook." Happy informs me, I nod my head and left hook then jab with my right and quickly duck as Happy moves his left out and around then quickly jab with my left hand and right hook. He nods his head. "Quicker." He tells me, we continue to do that for 10 minutes then he says how we can have a break. I might do a quick circuit after this. "Good job, kid. Good job." I nod my head at him as I take a sip of my bottle before setting it down and stretching my arms and legs before going over, we continue to do pads and when I stop, I see Yelena and Kate staring at me. "What?" I ask them confused,

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