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A/N: Hailee x Reader


Once again, this is inspo from: CrookedlyThoughtful and their story 'Unscripted'.

I'm so excited for this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed the first one and... <3



Y/n's POV:

"What's going on with you and Florence?" She asks me, I glance at the screen before fully turning to her, sitting up. Feeling the room shift into an uncomfortable silence. I let my shoulders fall, going to speak before stopping myself from speaking.

I don't even know myself...

"Well?" Rory asks me, expectantly, I sit up, shifting in my chair; trying to scramble my brain into finding the right words. "Y/n, I mean it—"

"—Jesus, I'm just trying to think." I express to her, intensely, letting my shoulders fall.

"Right." She sighs out, sitting up in her chair and crossing one leg over the other, "Well, I'm not leaving until you figure something out." She adds, staring me down.

"Can I at least ask why you think there's something going on?" I inquire, looking at her expectantly, she scoffs, chuckling lightly.

"You met you—? Actually, you met her ? She's practically been in love with you since the first time you met her. Plus, why else would she walk into your office with the most loving look ever?" Rory explains to me, my eyes fall to the ground. "Listen, you know I love you. You know I love Hailee - even if she has hurt you - and you know I hate Florence, but do not become Hailee. Don't feel like you have the right to lead Florence on just because you're going through something tough." She continues to add, I stare at her, blinking repeatedly before my eyes fall to my legs again, I nod my head, staying quiet. "Y/n, I mean it. I am your best friend, so, I have the right to tell you when you're being a tithead." She starts, making me laugh lightly at her insulting name, she begins to laugh softly with me, "Don't hurt either of them. I implore that you don't do that, cause where the hell is that gonna get you? Nowhere." She expresses intently to me, I nod my head,

"I know, Rory, I just... I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to do? How the hell have I got the most beautiful girlfriend and the most amazing friend in the planet yet I fuck it up." I express to her, angry at myself. She stands up and walks around, hugging me. I rest my head on her stomach, feeling her hand run through my hair,

"Don't mess this up, I've seen you at your lowest, I don't wanna have to drag you out of that mentality for the second time." She expresses to me, speaking to me softly. I nod my head, lightly. "Do you have a feeling... about who... who you like? Or... Or want more?" She asks me,

"Not a fucking clue." I mumble in reply, feeling my heart break at my own words. "I really love Hailee, everyone knows that. It's impossible not to love her." I express to her, seeing Rory pull away and kneel down, sitting next to me. "But there's this other part of me, where... where if I met Florence first... I—I know that I'd be head over heels for her. Just like I am with Hailee." I begin to explain to her, her nodding her head. "I look at Hailee, feeling safe. It's the same with Florence. I look at Hailee, feeling wanted and cared for. It's the same with Florence. Whatever I feel with Hailee, Florence is there too." I continue onto say, seeing her give me that stupid sympathetic look that I hate so much. "But... I... I really love Hailee..." I express to her, "like so much and I know that things are messy, I just... she had my heart first and took such great care of it, she really did. I still want to see what... what she does to fix it and see if she's willing to really prove to me how she feels and I want Florence there. I want her still as my best friend." I continue onto express to her, Rory nodding her head.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now