Torn apart

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: sebstanisbae7

Summary: Hailee is dating Y/n's older twin brother and Y/n doesn't know until she goes to drinks with her family where she meets Hailee and fangirls. The two become close until Y/n develops a crush on her and pushes herself away.



Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting down in my bed, reading my book that I'm trying to push through as I can't seem to find Chapter 5. I've counted to more than 100 pages yet still... it's unsuccessful to find this mysterious Chapter 5 in this stupid book. I hate it because I can't put it down and it's hard to stop reading—

"Y/n! Y/n, Y/n, Y/n!" My twin brother, Dylan, exclaims excitedly. Bursting into my room. I look over at him, unhappy compared to his happy expression.

"What?" I inquire, "I'm reading so be quick." I order him to do, he rolls his eyes and walks over, putting the bookmark in and shutting my book with a loud thud. I jump at the loud noise, he knows I don't like loud noises. "Hey, you know I don't like it when you do that. Give me some warning, please." I remind him, his eyes widen.

"Yeah, whatever." He quickly dismisses, sitting down beside me.

"So? What is it?" I ask him, hoping that it's some good news. Like... us getting a take away for dinner. I'm craving some burger king chips at the moment.

"I did it!" He exclaims excitedly,

"Did what?"

"I got a girlfriend!" He answers, resting his hands on my shoulders and shaking me. "I. Got. A. Girlfriend! Can you believe it?" He asks me, excitedly. I pull him in for a hug.

"I'm so happy for you! Tell me all about her." I tell him to do, setting my book on my bedside table as he begins to tell me everything about this new girlfriend of his. They sound really cute but he hasn't gotten any pictures with her but apparently, they are going out for drinks tomorrow and he's meeting her family and we're all invited. "I can't wait to meet her! She seems like a total catch." I express to him, he groans and forces his eyes shut.

"Do not say 'total catch'."

"You say it." I rebuttal,

"Because I'm cool—"

"—Cool people don't say they're cool, you absolute weirdo." I express to him, hearing him laugh.

"All right, I gotta go! Hailee just went out with her friends and she said she'd call to let me know that she got home safe." He informs me,

"That's my boy! Go on, little man!" I cheer him on, sarcastically, beginning to follow him to the kitchen, clapping.

"Stop that!" He complains, running away from me and heading upstairs, I laugh and grab a bottle of apple juice and go back to my room. Shutting the door behind me and opening the drink as I walk over to my bed, I sit down while I remove the lid of the bottle from my lips and put the lid on, I pick my book back up and continue to read.

How the hell is this gonna wrap up in 50 pages?!


It's time to go to the bar and I brought my bag with me, my mom said that after meeting Hailee and her family that I could go to the cafe as she knows I don't like alcohol or bars. It's not that I don't mind them. I just get headaches, really fidgety, if I sit for too long, I practically have a 'childish fit and ruin everyone's night' according to drunk Dylan that one time when we were on holiday in Florida and I had an argument with a drunk woman on rights of LGBTQ+ and why it's dumb for it to be banned and irresponsible for teachers to talk about it. We arrive and before we can go in, Dylan stops us and turns to me.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now