A day of destressing gone wrong

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Y/n has been stressed and tries to de-stress with reading a book and have her noise cancellation headphones but when Hailee needs to talk to her, she throws a pillow which gets Y/n to be angry.



Y/n's POV:

I'M SO STRESSED! Thank god, that today is my day off. I mean you may be thinking, 'Being a writer seems fun, what're you complaining about?' my agent wants me to have the first 100 pages done and confirmed as I've been working on a romance novel but I can't get it right, so, I've been trying and trying and staying up so late but I'm just so tired.

So, I had enough! I told him straight on!


"Okay, I'm sorry but I just have to say this," I say walking into my agent's room, he looks at me while doing whatever else he's doing, "I feel as if I sit at my desk, I will not be able to type another letter! My braincell can't handle it— and yes! Braincell! I've lost all of it from writing about 55 pages!" I exclaim in anger, "So, please! For the love of god! Can I have a day off and spend it resting my poor head because I can't take it! I can't take it anymore." I explain to him, leaning back in my chair with a huff.

"Of course, you should've just asked." He tells me, offering a smile. He goes on his laptop and types in and sends an email, I got my day off.



...Okay, so, it didn't go like that, it more went like this:


I walk into his office with 55 pages, the other 5 were still printing off.

"Here." I mumble, I hear him scream and let out a gasp. I turn back to him. "What? What happened?!"

"The hell is wrong with you? Why do you look like that?!" He exclaims and moves behind his chair and cowers behind it,

"Oh, ha ha. It's cause of this stupid novel." I complain,

"You're having tomorrow off and when you come back, I need you to be refreshed mostly and not... like that." He explains to me, I just stare at him trying to keep my eyes open. I really just want my bed. "Go lie on the couch, I'll call Hailee." He tells me, I rush over to the couch and jump on it, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around me, shutting my eyes.

Time to catch up on 45 hours of no sleep.


Hailee was so kind to pick me up and take me home, did I wake up that car ride or the rest of that day? No. No, I did not. But I'm glad that I didn't as I feel a lot better but I'm still so stressed out so I'm gonna read my favourite book to cheer me up! I have my noise cancellation headphones with me as I don't want to be disturbed. I send Hailee a text as she's in a meeting or something just to let her know that I won't disturb her and that I don't exactly want to be disturbed either. I know I'm not doing anything important but still, I want to be alone.

I put my phones on and lie down on the couch, I open the first page. I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and although I was confused on what the hell was going on the first... like 100 pages of the actual story, I still really like it. I think it's me not understanding it is what makes me always re-read it. I understand little things here and there but I honestly feel like it might take me over my whole life time to understand who's talking and what's going on.

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