Wanted and Desired 5

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Hailee's POV:

I open my door for her, and she looks over at me, I can see from her eyes she's asking me if she's allowed, I smile at this and nod my head; she goes inside my room and walks hesitantly toward my bed, letting go of my hand and sitting down on the edge of my bed as she moves her bag in front of her and sits it beside her, I go in and shut my door.

"Can I ask what's in the bag?" I ask her, moving beside her and sitting beside her. She chuckles lightly, opening her bag and pulling out a book before handing it to me, I look at the book cover and it looks like two men who are... very into one another, I turn to her in surprise.

"I've read all of it, I thought you might want it to see what I know so far." She expresses to me, "I mean... I know, you aren't male. I just—" She pauses and freezes all-together. I smile at this, waiting for her to continue. "um, sorry." She apologises and goes to take it back, but I move it away from her.

"No, no, it's fine." I hum out, "I want to see what you've read so far. It looks like quite the short book, no?" I ask her, she nods her head.

"Yeah, they get together by page 93 and then the other 107 pages are just them sneaking around." She explains to me, I nod my head lightly. I do the maths in my head, and I realise that there is only 200 pages. I could read that in one night. That's so simple. I go over to my secret books; the more sexual ones and I find the one that I think is good and is easy to read in one night. I find a book and smile, I pick it up and walk toward her, handing her a book. "What's this?" She asks me,

"This was what made me realise how much I actually like girls. It's basically the same concept as the book you gave me but with girls." I explain to her, she nods her head lightly.

"Do you know how many pages there are?" She asks me, I think for a moment and try to remember as I read it a while ago. But then I remember, 256 pages of amazingness.

"256." I answer, she nods her head lightly.

"Could read that in a night." I hear her mumble; I smile at this and nod my head.

"I know, I could read this in a couple of hours." I say, pointing to the book. She chuckles at this nodding her head, I see her eyes look at the book before meeting my eyes.

"Um, w—when you're done. C—Can I, um, can I... g—get my book back?" She stammers out, I notice how nervous she is which makes my heart swell at how adorable she is.

"Yeah," I hum out, nodding my head. "yeah, of course." I agree. Before cupping her face, placing a kiss on her forehead. "You don't have to be nervous; you know?" I assure her, she nods her head.

"I do now." I hear her mumble; she opens her bag further and I peak to see extra clothes— extra clothes? Why has she got extra clothes?

"How come you have extra clothes?" I ask her, she turns to me and clears her throat for a moment.

"This might... be really rude of me to ask and I'm sorry if it is but can I use your shower?" She asks me, politely, I grin at this and nod my head, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"That's more than fine." I express to her; she smiles at this.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, plus, I was expecting you to go for a shower since I remember you saying that you feel dirty since you haven't showered after your workout session." I express to her; I see her eyes light up at this.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now