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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: EilishPughSteinfeld

Summary: Y/n struggles to swallow medicine pills due to fear and the size of them and Hailee tries to encourage her and tries different methods to help her out.



Hailee's POV:

"Baby, I don't wanna do it. I'm scared." My girlfriend, Y/n, tells me. Right now, I'm trying to help her feel better as she's ill but the only medicine we have are pills and she hates taking them. She has this overwhelming fear that she's gonna choke on it and die as she has reoccurring dreams about her dying with so many pills and her not being able to swallow them. I wrap my arms around her waist, resting my head on her left shoulder as she's leaning into me.

"I know, but it's gonna take all the pain away that you feel right now." I tell her, hoping to assure her. I think of ways how we can conquer her fear. She shakes her head.

"I don't wanna do it." She tells me quietly, staring at the two pills of paracetamol. 

"Want me to half it?" I ask her, she shakes her head.

"No, cause then it's just more for me to take." She tells me, sighing. I let my fingers trace little shapes on her stomach as I continue to hold her in my arms. 

"I know your scared baby, but nothing's gonna happen while I'm here." I try to comfort her. Placing a kiss on her cheek then her neck, dragging my lips down to her shoulder and placing a kiss on her shoulder. Feeling her take a deep breath in and she picks up one. 

"Does it taste bad?" She asks me, 

"Yeah." I answer truthfully. "But hey, what I like to do is place it on my tongue then down the water and tilt your head back so it goes down with the water." I explain to her, picking up a leftover gummy bear, showing her how to do it. Her doing it with me until she got comfortable. "See? You're getting the hang of it." I congratulate her, feeling her smile sheepishly, before looking over at the pills, tapping her fingers in a rhythm on the counter. Biting her bottom lip nervously. 

"Can I not just... leave it? Just go lie in bed and rest?" She asks me, I shake my head lightly.

"No, love, I want you all better and these will help." I inform her, speaking softly as I don't want her to think that I'm getting annoyed. She sighs, tilting her head back a little before moving it down and continuing to stare at the two pills. I pick one up, cupping her chin, turning her head to me. "Open." I order her to do, she looks at me nervously but obeys anyway. Opening her mouth, I rest it on her tongue and she takes a chug of water and tilts her head back then moves down, her face scrunching in discomfort at the taste. "Gone?" I ask her, she shakes her head. Taking another chug however that doesn't work and she spits it out in the bin before heading to the bathroom and I hear her throw up. I get another one and set it beside the other one, then fill up the water; hearing a sob from her. I sigh. Trying to think of what I can do to help her. Once the glass is filled, I set it down and head over to the bathroom and rub her back, her leaning into me and crying. I pat her back lightly, placing a kiss on her head and holding her hair back. 

"I'm sorry." She apologises between sobs, I shake my head.

"It's okay, my pretty girl." I whisper to her softly, flushing the toilet for her and letting her cuddle into me. I begin to sway us, whispering sweet nothing's in her ear. After a couple of minutes, I notice that she isn't thanking me for the compliments, I peak my head further to the right and see that she's fallen fast asleep. I smile at how cute she is even though she looks so ill. I grab a tissue and wipe her mouth. Picking her up and taking her to bed, deciding to let her nap and we'll try again later. I went downstairs and sprayed it with air freshener as I know that if she smells sick, it'll make her sick or even seeing someone throw up will make her throw up.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now