⚠️Unforgiven Surprise⚠️

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: ughhcarlo

Summary: Hailee is pregnant and when Y/n goes to the store to get her one of her cravings, when she comes back, something bad happens.

⚠️TW⚠️: Mention of Abuse



Y/n's POV:

I'm lying in bed right now as Hailee's watching the TV, I'm just on my phone with one AirPod, watching the new Stranger Things series as I'm ahead and Hailee isn't so she's trying to catch up to where I am but hey, I can't help it. I wanna continue to watch it so I will. Hailee's in her third trimester, I'm getting so excited about having a baby with her, she's the only person I've ever wanted to have a baby with. Ever since I knew her, I just knew that I could see some sort've future with her. 

The scenarios never stopped and she filled my head more and more till it was just her, simply just her that I thought about. And I was and still am okay with that. I feel a tap on my thigh and look down to see Hailee looking at me, I pause the episode then turn back to her.

"Yeah?" I ask her, 

"Can you go to In-N-Out and get me a burger?" She asks me, I think for a moment before nodding my head. 

"Yeah, sure." I agree, her smile widens at this and I put my phone in my pocket after turning it off and take my headphones out, I put it in the box and set it down then head toward the closet and grab a hoodie then my pair of shoes; I sit on the edge of my bed and put my shoes on, re-tying them. 

"Thank you." I hear her say, I turn to her and place a kiss on her forehead then on her bump.

"It's okay." I reply softly, I finish tying my laces and fix my hoodie, I check to see if I have my card in the back of my phone which I do and thank god for that, "I'll be back soon." I tell her, she nods her head and grabs some covers, moving it over her. 

"Thank you." She thanks me again, I chuckle at this.

"It's okay." I reply to her, I go toward the door and open it, leaving and shutting it behind me. I head downstairs and say hi to Brando, I see him go toward his food bowl and I give him some back scratches before unlocking the front door, I head out and shut the door behind me, locking it and go over to my car; I unlock it and get in, heading off to a nearby In-N-Out.


I arrive back home and I shut the door behind me, setting the keys down.

"Hey, babe? I got you a burger and some fries as I didn't know if you wanted fries as well! So, if you don't want them, I'm more than happy t—" I see Hailee and my mom come out of the kitchen, I freeze and look between the two. "what's going on?" I ask her, I turn to my mom. "W—Why're you here? Why is she here?" I ask Hailee, looking over to her now; she walks toward me and takes the food, setting it down and takes my hand. 

"I'm sorry, I—I didn't know she was coming over." She whispers to me, looking scared. I rest my hands over hers as I continue to look into her eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask her, looking over at my mom now. She pulls out a chip, moving it in front of herself as if she was a little kid showing me a drawing that she was proud of. I walk over and take it, "What is this?" I ask her,

"My 3 month chip." She tells me, sounding proud of herself. I chuckle at this,

"Seriously? Is this real?" I ask her, she nods her head. "For real? You're 3 month chip?" I ask her, she nods her head.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now