"I hate you" "I don't think you do" 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader






Y/n's POV:

I realised that I had to change into my gym clothes, so I snuck into my room, got changed and jogged to the gym, I head inside and sign in, talking to the reception for a few minutes before heading into the gym and going immediately to the punching bag. I put my headphones in and play music while putting the gloves on that are honestly so bad, so I took them off, I punch the bag repeatedly before remembering every time that me and Hailee hung out, everything nice she said.

Was it all just to get closer to Hannah?

Why did she make me feel so much if all she wanted was Hannah?

Was I not enough?

Am I not enough?

Did me opening up to her push her away?

I continue to punch the bag over and over again, putting more and more power into it with each punch, I don't realise that the punching bag fell down until I go to punch but nothing's there, I look down and see that it's on the ground, I'm out of breath and I groan at this and pick it up, fixing it and attaching it back onto the hook as it was simple, I start punching the bag again before I feel a tap on my shoulder; I turn to see one of the workers.

"Dude, you okay? You were throwing some heavy punches." He expresses to me with a soft smile,

"I'm fine." I breath out,

"Shit, with no gloves?" He asks, I shake my head. "Damn, I'd hate to be on the end of that punch." He jokes, I nod my head at this.

"Me too." I heave out, "I'm getting water." I inform him, he nods his head and I walk away to get a bottle of water.


(An hour and a bit later)

"We're closing up."

"It's a 24 hour gym." I reply to him,

"Not on Fridays." He replies, I roll my eyes at this and just head out of the gym and go on run around town,

I hate this so much.

I debate if I should go to the park as it seems to be the only place to go as I'm not going to the track as Hannah, Simon, Kate, and Hailee will probably be there, looking for me or waiting for me. I'm not even wanting to see them honestly; I really don't want to see them right now. Should I just sneak into my room? Lock the door? I could do that— yeah, I'm doing that and going for a shower, maybe even going for a shower. I jog home and sneak into my room, shutting my bedroom window and locking it, I lock the door and head into the bathroom. I get undressed, head into my shower, and decide to sit down.

I hate feeling like this so much...


It's Monday and I've barely left my room as I really don't want to put up with Hannah and my parents, it's too much. Hailee tried to come over on Saturday and yesterday, I had to ignore her, yet it was hard. I really wanted to open the door; I really did. But I couldn't do it. I really couldn't do it.


"Y/n, I'm here to see you." I hear Hailee say after knocking, I sit up and look toward the door. I stand up and walk toward the door and go to rest my hand on the door, but I stop myself, "Please, I'm sorry. I really don't—"

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now