Little Y/n

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This one is practically the same context as Hailee's one but obviously the reader being an age regressor.

The first mini one-shot, I got inspo from SkippoRitto and their one-shot Plushie Tantrum so yeah! I hope you enjoy <3

Also the first one-shot also got requested by LyraKeydan and Thira_Harris as well!

I'm glad you all enjoyed the first one! I hope you enjoy this one and...



Hailee's POV:

I walk into the house and shut the door behind me, hearing feet patter upstairs hearing things being chucked around making me wonder what's going on. Is Y/n alright up there? I take my jacket off, hanging it up and beginning to head toward the staircase.

"Y/n? You okay?" I call up to her, as I begin to take of my hoodie with a sigh in comfort, I'm so glad that I'm home. I head into our room to see so many things on the bed and Y/n comes out of the closet, (A/N: That's what she said) and looks upset. "What's wrong baby?" I ask her, worriedly. Rushing over to her and bringing her into a hug.

"I—I loss teddy." She lets out a soft whimper before beginning to sob lightly into my chest, "I don know whewe he is..." she continues onto say while sobbing, I pull away; realising that she's in little space right now, this poor girl. All she wants is her teddy named Teddy. "You stwole 'em!" She claims, I begin to look at her in protest.

"I didn't, my angel. I'm just as clueless as you are." I tell her in reply, earning a whine in complaint at the sudden disappearance, glancing back inside the closet, brushing her hand through her hair before turning to me.

"I wan Teddy!" She protests, beginning to cry as she begins to sit down on the floor, crossing her arms and throwing a temper tantrum.

"I know you do, but we can't find him. Let mommy handle it, let me see if I can find him, okay?" I reply, earning a soft whine, as she begins to wipe her tears away, I kneel down and place a kiss on her head. Resting my hand on her cheek, seeing her look directly into my eyes and I smile lightly. "Let me think, what's the last thing you remember of Teddy?" I ask her, speaking softly and calmly, I'll punish her afterwards by maybe sitting her in the corner as she's being a little bit rude.

"I... don know." She sobs out, crawling into a ball. I try to think of the last time that I saw Teddy, I really can't remember.

"Okay, let mommy look around the house, can you clean up please?"

"No! You stwole him!" She continues to protest, I sigh, letting my shoulder fall.

"I didn't, angel." I reply to her, shaking my head.

"You did!" She continues to accuse, I shake my head,

"I didn't—"

"—Did!" She argues, making me sigh,

"If you keep wrongfully accusing me, I'm gonna have to put you in time out." I tell her, speaking sternly even though I really don't want too. I know she's upset but she can't be rude to me like that. She whimpers, shuffling toward me and holding her arms out.

"I sowwy." She apologises, whimpering and whining, reaching her arms out for me.

"Lemme go look for Teddy for you, baby." I tell her, backing away earning a soft pout from her, I walk downstairs and begin to look into every room, literally every single room! Both guest rooms, kitchen, - I even looked in cupboards - the gaming room, the home theatre— wait we had went into the movie theatre and had a Stranger Things marathon but she fell asleep and I took her to bed, she must've left it there! I head into the home theatre and go to the second row and see Teddy, I walk over, picking him up. I can't believe I walked right past him, "There you are." I hum afterwards, content, I begin to head back upstairs, "Guess who mommy found?" I call out to her, hearing her quickly stand up and rush in my direction, gasping as she excitedly jumps up and down, snatching it out of my hands and cuddling Teddy. "Hey, what do you say?" I ask her, sternly, cupping her cheek; seeing slight panic in her eyes,

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now