Torn Apart 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


I'm glad so many people liked the first one, but I hope you fall more in love with the second one, so...



Y/n's POV:

It's been a couple of months, 4 months to be exact, and I've only talked to my dad throughout the four months, honestly, if I weren't so good at convincing people, he'd be staying with me. For the whole four months. It's very sweet of my dad to always be texting and FaceTiming me every time my classes are done.

I hear my phone go and look to see my mom calling me, I answer and rest the phone over my ear,

"Hey, mom!" I greet her as I rest my shoulder against the wall, watching a couple of people pass by. "Mo—?"

"—Y/n—" I hear Hailee's voice, I stand up straighter, my eyes wide as I feel my heart skip a beat at the sound of her voice, of course I've been watching what she's up too and texting Florence and watching my brother's stories on his Instagram and all but still, no talking from my brother and barely any talking with Hailee. And when I say, 'Barely' I really mean, this is the first time we talked since the night I left.

"—Mo— Hailee. Hailee, hi. Hi. I... I was not expecting you there, hey." I greet her, standing up and glancing around, nodding my head toward the people passing. "You okay?"

"Dylan won't open his door." She answers in reply, sounding blunt with a hint of anger in her tone.

"Ohhhkay... I don't see how this is my problem." I answer in response beginning to walk to my dorm room, I want to do some extra-credit work as I missed a day of work as I felt 'sick'. In reality, I was stuck debating if I wanted to go home or not.

"He's pissed off at you for leaving, put two and two together, dweeb." She rebuttals, sighing.

"Ouch, looks like I'm with feisty Hailee, you know... I've looked at your fandom more recently and they are pleading with mean girl Haiz, I suggest that for the next move." I tease, earning a soft snicker from her.

"Trust me, I'm working on it."

"Glad to hear. Now, why don't you just..." I pause, stopping outside of my door, seeing that my dad was here. What the hell is he doing here? "I gotta go." I say, hanging up my phone. I begin to jog over to my dorm,

"Dad? What're you doing here?" I shout to him, seeing him smile as he walks over, I meet him halfway and wrap my arms around him, him hugging me back. "I missed you!" I tell him, hearing a soft laugh from him.

"I missed you too, kid." He replies, I move away from the hug and he unwraps his arms from around my waist, I step back and unlock my door, opening it.

"After you." I tell him, he heads inside,

"Thank you." He mutters, walking past. I head inside and shut the door, locking it. I sit at my desk and he sits on my bed, glancing around the dorm room. "So... we gotta talk." He tells me, sounding serious, I look over at him, seeing him look somewhat unimpressed. I sigh, leaning into the chair,

"What've I done now?" I ask, in complaint. Knowing that I did something.

"Your brother... he's... he's really upset and he just wants to see you. Please, just come home with me." He pleads with me, I go to speak and deny before realising. I kinda owe it to them. I didn't say goodbye to them or anything, I didn't even let them know that I got into Harvard. Least I could do was show up.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now