"What can't you do?!"

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee and Y/n are hanging out with their friends and when Y/n's friend asks for a certain request, it shocks Hailee.

Play if you want the now <3



Y/n's POV:

"I'm so glad that you're all here! It's like we're all back together again!" Hailee exclaims excitedly, a big smile on her face as our friends Griffin; Florence, Raffie, Tom, Zendaya and my two best friends, Dylan and Hannah are all over at mine and Hailee's new place. I'm not going to lie, I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It's a beautiful house. A beautiful place that I can't wait to make so many memories with the love of my life with.

"I am too! I'm glad that our little family is back together again." Hannah excitedly butts in, everyone talking over one another in excitement while I stay quiet. Sitting on the couch, staring at the piano. I've always loved the piano and I love playing the piano. It's such a beautiful instrument.

"I know! I've missed you two." Griffin expresses to us, as me and Hailee were away for a week in New York doing a red carpet.

"I missed you too." I reply, finally saying something and I feel Hailee take my hand in hers and she makes room for me to move closer to her. I stand up and Dylan moves and takes my old seat and I move beside Hailee; leaning into me, I place a kiss on her cheek and continue to listen into all and every conversation that there was. Hailee turns to me.

"I'm getting a drink, would you like something darling?" She asks me, I shake my head lightly. Her eyes widen for a second which confuses me before she continues to hold my hand. "Can you come with me baby?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly and stand up with her, us heading into our kitchen that still makes me smile. "Is everything okay, love? You're awfully quiet." She acknowledges, I think for a moment, noticing her turn around to smile lightly.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, just... thoughts." I let out, chuckling lightly. I notice her chew on her bottom lip out of nervousness, "Oh, n—not bad thoughts... just... um, thinking about how happy I am. As well as music and all." I express to her, walking around and beginning to help her as Raffie and Florence also wanted a drink.

"Ah, is there anything I can help with?" She offers, I shake my head lightly. Offering a light smile.

"No, no, it's okay." I reply, shaking my head and grabbing the two drinks that were ready and heading over and handing one to Raffie and Florence. "Is there anything else you would like?" I offer, Florence takes a sip and hums, shaking her head.

"No, darling, it's perfect. Thank you." She thanks me, smiling at me. I turn to Raffie and see her eyes widen and look at me,

"The fuck is this? It's amazing." She tells me, I grin at this.

"Uh, I think you'd need to ask Hailee that one." I reply softly, I go back and give Tom and Zendaya one then Hailee gives me a drink of core water that Griffin wants, I head back into the kitchen and Griffin rushes over.

"I'll take that for you. Thank you, sis." He thanks me, smiling widely. I grin at this as he always calls me sis and whenever he's being protective, he always says: "That's my sister". Me and Hailee aren't even married yet but he still calls me it. It's adorable. I hand the drinks to Zendaya and Tom. I've met Tom on the set of Marvel and Zendaya on the set of Euphoria.

"Thank you, Y/n." Zendaya thanks me before taking a sip yet Tom already takes his sip and his eyes go wide at this and he hums. Smiling.

"This is incredible." He tells me. I sit myself down. I feel Hannah tap my shoulder, I turn to her as Hailee comes in the room, holding her drink. She sits herself down beside me, Raffie and Florence quickly asking her what the drink was. She begins to explain that it was some fruit smoothie she made earlier that reminds me of a slushie which I love. I love slushies.

"You okay, bub?" Hannah asks me, I nod my head.

"This is amazing." Tom compliments,

"I know! We should try and make this." Zendaya suggests, Tom's eyes go wide at these words and he hesitantly turns to her.

"W—Well, we can try, love. Can't we?" He replies, making all of us laugh. I nod my head at Hannah's question.

"Yeah, yeah, just thinking about music." I admit to her, not many people know I can play the piano, Hailee got it to learn however I already know how to. The only person who knows I can play fairly decent is Hannah.

"Oh, go play the piano! Please? I love it when you play the piano!" Hannah exclaims, alarming everyone. Feeling Hailee's eyes staring at me.

"You play the piano?" She asks me, surprised. I go to answer yet Hannah butts in.

"Does she play? Hailee, she plays religiously! Go! Go play." She hypes me up, standing me up and sitting me down on the piano. I glance at everyone and see them staring at me. I look at Hannah hesitantly. "You got this." She whispers to me, putting her thumbs up and her fists against one another, she nods her head lightly and I face the piano. Sighing. I don't like playing in front of people which is odd as I'm a musician for a living. I like that. I like performing for fans but there are some secrets I like to keep. I begin to play Je Te Laisserai Des Mots. Hannah humming along to the tune and sitting beside me, I know she's trying to be helpful and trying to show her support as I'm still a little nervous. I continue to play and when I glance up. I see a wide smile on Hailee's face as everyone begins to move around the piano. I only really know the chorus so when I begin to sing the chorus in French. I hear a few gasps, a few laughter's and see Griffin clapping in amazement.

"Je te laisserai des mots

En dessous de ta porte
En dessous de la lune qui chante
Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent
Cachés dans les trous de ton divan
Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant" I sing and slowly begin to go into my favourite part of the song where yes there was a lot of keys to hit at the right moment yet when I do, I sigh in relief and smile to myself. Continuing to play for what feels like hours yet is only seconds before I finish and just grin to myself. Letting myself rest my shoulders. Everyone beginning to applaud.

"That was amazing, darling!" Florence compliments me, placing a kiss on my head. I smile at this.

"What can't you do?! " Hailee exclaims, grinning and applauding.

"That was amazing, doll. Really impressive as well!" Raffie compliments, going to place a hand on my shoulder yet Hailee hits her hand away. Sitting on the left of me.

"Hey, Pugh sisters, back away now. The talents mine." Hailee warns the two, I can tell by the seriousness in her voice and the step away and hands up from the Pugh sisters that it was noted I was Hailee's. I lean into her.

"You don't have to worry, I only love you. Truly." I express to her, seeing her blush at this.

"That's my girl." She breathes out, resting her forehead against mines. Both of us staring into each other's eyes.

I feel so safe with her, it's crazy.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now