Supportive / Jealous Girlfriend

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

I listened to Sabrina's new album (my favourite so far is either nonsense or Read your Mind) and damn, we owe her an apology! My god, she is amazing and I've always loved her (really, I loved everyone in that situation so I was like ehhhh, I'll just sit back and observe. I'm glad she's finally getting the appreciation she deserves but she needs more aha)

The inspo for the lyrics and the beat is the chorus of Read your Mind

Summary: Y/n starts to make a song about someone from her past and when Hailee is helping and watching it, she's being the supportive girlfriend that she is! However, there is a line that slightly bothers her



Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting with my girlfriend and Brando's in my hoodie pocket, I'm wearing an oversized hoodie that I got recently, Hailee's working on something right now but I'm messing around with some beats on the other side of the room, I have my headphones on and I'm working with parts of a song, and thinking of a concept. I start to brainstorm ideas before I think of the great time. The great time I had in New York three years ago, before Hailee and I got together.

Basically, what happened was I met this girl and we talked. We talked for a couple of months (3 months) as I had moved there for 8 months since I got bored of LA and I had some stuff I wanted to do in New York anyway, so, it was fine. We ended up going on dates, then we ended up sleeping together. She then bragged to her friends but told me how she wanted to stay friends which was more than fine with me before she said that she wanted to be casual and hook up at times, I let this happen a few times before I decided to cut it off - at the 4 month mark of us knowing each other - as I was starting to get close to Hailee - we've met many times before and were good friends but then we started to get a deeper sense of one another - so, I then decided to cut off all ties. When I went to the club with Hailee one night, we saw her and let's just say that Hailee was more than a little jealous as that night, Hailee confessed her feelings and I confessed mine since I was head over heels for her in the matter of 2 months.

I start to brain storm ideas, coming up with a few lyrics but none that actually stuck with me, they were all pretty shit ones.

"'I can't know what you want,

Yeah, you say that you want me alone

so you, can call... me when you need someone

but I... now know, that I don't need you.

Wastin' all my time.'" I write down, and hum lightly, singing it and noticing Hailee turn around and raise an eyebrow, I fit it into the song; bopping my head along. I sing it over and over trying to get it perfect before I fit it with the beat perfectly but having to long out the 'you' which was more than fine. Now I need to add the second part of the chorus which is more than fine.

"'You think that we could be casual?

After all, of these lies you say I'm yours.

Oh, I was never yours and you were never mines.

No, I can't know what you want.'" I write down, I pick up the microphone and see Hailee staring at me intently, "You okay, baby?" I ask her, she stands up and walks over to me, playing the song and taking my headphones off, placing it over her ears; I smile as I watch her bop her head and her eyebrows furrow with a wide smile on her face.

"Oh, hell yeah." She hums out, and hears the Casual lines, her mouth falls open and she pauses it and jumps around excitedly, squealing like a little child. I giggle at this.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now