"I hate you" "I don't think you do"

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: K8lyn2020

Summary: Enemies to Lovers. Hailee is in High School and openly Bisexual and when Hailee is forced to join an extra-curricular, she picks track as a girl she has been fanning over does track. That so happens to be the sister of Y/n L/n, the school's mysterious girl who not a lot of people think off as she's overshadowed by her sister.

INSPO: Crush



Hailee's POV:

I walk into school as I get out of my best friend's car, her names Kate and she is pretty popular, unlike me though. I'm not that popular, I'm pretty awkward so, yeah. No. 

"You excited?" Kate asks me, I shrug lightly, putting my bag on.

"I don't know..." I sigh out, "I've been thinking... over the summer." I start, she locks her car and we walk toward the high school. "I think I should make a move on Hannah Miller." (IFYKYK!) Kate turns to me in shock,

"You think?" She asks me, sounding surprised. I turn to her,

"Is that not smart?" I ask her, she shrugs lightly.

"I, uh, I don't know." She answers, "I mean she did come out as gay. So, I say go for it." She cheers me on, linking her arm with mines, I grin at this. Our best friend, Simon, comes over.

"Did you see?!" Simon exclaims, me and Kate look at them confused,

"What happened?" She asks him, Simon grins at this.

"The drawing by art." He answers, 

"It's literally Wednesday! Our first week back and there's already people 'vandalising'?" I ask him, Kate just sighs contently and rests her head against mines,

"You innocent little bean." She compliments me, I smile at this which they both pout at.

"Aww." I hear Kate and Simon say, I blush at this and Simon wraps his arm around me. 

"You want to watch a fight? I got it on video!" He exclaims excitedly, 

"Hell yeah." I answer,

"Are you stupid? Of course. What kinda question is that?" Kate asks him, he laughs at this and pulls his phone out, showing the fight. "Is that...?" She looks a little closer, "Is that Y/n Miller?" She asks and looks over at me then Simon. Simon nods his head and we continue to watch the fight and she pushes the girl against the wall and dodges a punch before she pushes her back into the wall before chucking her on the ground. I hiss at this.

"Shit, what got her angry?" I ask, Simon grins at this, leaning close to me.

"Some people say it's about you." He tells me, raising his eyebrows then letting him fall over and over again. I shove him away.

"Stop." I tell him,

"Oh, come on, just consider her as an option. You've been crushing on Hannah forever." He complains,

"Have you seen her?" I ask him, he sighs at this.

"All I'm saying... is that you should look for other options and try to think of more people instead of just Hannah." He explains to me before leaning over to Kate, "You agree, don't you?" He asks Kate, we both turn to her and she glances between us. She covers my ears. Both of them arguing while I can't hear.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now