"I'm sorry"

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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader

Requested by: heartsforbishop

Summary: Y/n was previously dating Kate until Y/n died in the blip. Kate sees Y/n and think she's back for good until she finds out that Y/n is from a different universe and wasn't dating her and doesn't know who she is.

I'm not ready for the heartbreak, as I will be doing the blip scene, but don't blame me. Also Y/n is Spider-Woman in all and every universe. But when they meet again, I'll try make it funny.



Kate's POV:

I look around and I start to see people disappearing as they give their final words or final sobs which confuses me, I stumble back a little and look around trying to find my girlfriend / the amazing Spider-Woman. She better not be leaving right now, otherwise, I'm going.

"C—Clint?" I call out, trying to look for him as he was near her. I start to limp my way, trying to find them when I see Y/n stumble a bit as she holds her stomach, I notice that she's holding a knife in the other hand with a lot of blood over it and when I see her hand fall away from her stomach, I notice that she's been stabbed. She looks around and sees me, both of us limping toward one another,

"K—Kate, I—I don't feel so good..." She lets out, her voice breaking, she falls into my arms and I hold her.

"It's okay, it's okay, I got you. You're okay." I whisper to her, holding her tightly. I run my hand through her hair and place a kiss on her temple. "You're okay, everything's fine." I tell her, rubbing her arm,

"Kate... I—I can't feel a single thing. I—I think I'm dying, I think I'm dying." She expresses to me, sounding panicked and with a look of true scaredness. I cup her face,

"Everything's okay, let's just lie down. Let's just take a deep breath." I tell her, lying her down and when I reach for her hand, I see that it's starting to crumble away, "Oh— Oh, no, no, no, no. You're okay, you're not going anyway." I tell her, feeling tears bottle up and quickly start to fall.

"I—I don't wanna go... I don't wanna die—"

"I know, I know..." I let out, some blood spurts out of her mouth and she starts to cough, I try to help her sit up but she shrieks in pain, "Come on, it's okay, we—we can find someone to help." I tell her, starting to look around. "Somebody help! Someone help! I need help over here!" I shout, before turning back to Y/n as she just looks at me with such sadness and heartache.

"I—I love you..." She breathes out, her eyes slowly faltering shut and there her body disintegrates,

"No..." I let out, "No—no—no—no—no! No, come back!" I sob out, feeling myself hold my stomach as I feel a pit drop in my stomach.


It's been 5 years and not a day goes by where I don't miss Y/n, she was the love of my life; my partner, my go-to person, my best friend, my everything. I can't believe she died in the blip, I hate it. I hate how much I miss her, I just want to get over her but sometimes I feel like I can't. I feel like I just need to see her one last time, tell her how I love her too. I never even got to say it back, I hate that I never said it back.

I'm walking down the street with Clint on a mission and as we turn the corner, I bump into someone who falls down and groans in pain, holding their stomach in pain.

"Ah— shit." I hear them mutter, wait, that voice sounds familiar? I look to see... Y/n?

"Y/n?" I call out, Clint continues to walk but I stop and help her up, "Y/n?" I ask, with a light smile on my face, I see her stand up and she looks at me confused.

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