Mother Bishop's disapproval

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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader

Summary: Y/n and Kate are working at Bishop Security for the day to distract themselves from being hunted by the Tracksuit Mafia and when they get to Kate's apartment with her mom, her mom bursts out on Y/n making her leave earlier than expected. What will Kate do? Find out... dun dun dun!!!



Kate's POV:

Me and my girlfriend, Y/n, arrive at Bishop Security for work as I promised my mom that I'd work a shift since she thinks that it'll help on my CV even though I know she wants me to work here, under her then take over for her.

That's not what I want, though. But she doesn't care about what I want.

"Are we going to be working at the front desk or doing somethin' else?" Y/n asks me, her angelic voice making my heart swell up at simple words from her.

"Front desk, I think." I answer to her, glancing over at her to see her nod her head.

"I thought it would be more practical to not work at the front desk." She expresses to me, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Well why don't you take it up with my mom, baby?" I ask her, seeing her scoff and roll her eyes as I turn my body toward her.

"I might. It seems impractical to make someone work at the front desk on their first day." She tells me, I raise my eyebrows at this as I turn my body to her; pressing the button so we can enter the elevator.

"You think?"

"Yes, it seems insufficient for someone to work there as it just means less work. Which is less helpful for me as I need work. We." She corrects herself, beckoning between us, "We need proper work." She expresses to me, making me laugh lightly as the doors open, we head into the elevator and the doors shut.

"But... But that's the best part..." I express to her, pouting.

"I know, but would you rather learn for future times or stress your future self out?"

"Are you trying to berate my ways of wanting to learn?" I ask, teasingly. She giggles, knowing that I used that word since she uses intellectual words to assure herself of her smartness, even though I already know that she's very smart and got an amazing mind.

"No, only attempting to guide for better experience in future cases." She answers, speaking quite fast to get her point across in a slight panic but very chill way.

"Then, I'll accept the guidance!" I reply, cheerfully, placing a kiss on her cheek. She smiles widely, glancing at me before facing ahead. I won't lie, sometimes my girlfriend is very socially awkward and a few people have actually asked me how I put up with it but I find it quite cute. It's cute watching her interact with others that isn't me. I notice her hands fall into the pockets as she stares at the doors, waiting for the doors to open. "You excited, my love?" I ask her, quietly. She hums and nods her head, turning to me.

"Yes, I'm excited to see and rile up your mother, it's my favourite part." She replies, truthfully, making me giggle and I place a kiss on her cheek again; wanting to just scatter kisses all over her face, I just wanna kiss her all the time, it makes me happy and she gets so embarrassed that it makes me even happier.

"That's my girl." I cheer her on, rubbing her back. She glances at my hand then at me,

"Thank you. I will always defend my girlfriend who deserves the world." She states, speaking slightly robotically. Adding a soft laugh at the end.

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