⚠️Forgotten 2⚠️

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A/N: Kate x Reader

Requested by: Hosie_Child

⚠️SPOILER⚠️: Multiverse of Madness. Not gonna lie though, I can't really remember what happens so sorry if this is inaccurate.

Summary: Y/n is helping Dr Strange against Scarlett Witch and when she destroys the Dark Hold Tomb, it makes Y/n's friends remember her.



Y/n's POV:

I look around while Strange and Dr Atwater and I continuously hit Strange's arm,

"Ow! Kid, what do you—?" I point toward the book to see it deteriorating. We all move toward it, me limping and being out of breath, fighting Wanda is not fun. I definitely do not recommend doing it.

"So, she destroyed the Dark Hold in... every... universe." Strange confirms, I look over at him then at Dr Atwater,

"What? What does that mean?"

"She did the right thing." Dr Atwater speaks up, resting her hand on my shoulder, I turn to confused before turning back to Strange confused.

"Yeah, she did." Strange confirms, before he lowers his head

"Strange. Hi, hello, yeah, you see me. What is going on?" I ask him, he just continues to stare at me while processing what's happening. It's like I can see the cogs in his brain spinning. "Strange. Yoo-hoo." I say, snapping my fingers. "Yo—"

"Y/n." He tells me, sternly. I shrug.


"Let's get us home, I think—" He pauses, looking around before turning back to me. "I think you'll have your friends back." He tells me, my eyes widen at this.

"I'm sorry?"

"I think your friends are gonna be able to remember you when we go back." He informs me, I grin at this and smile widely. I'm gonna have to go check, I'm gonna have to go find Peter; MJ, Ned and Kate. I have too.

"What will they remember? Like... Like everything? The goodbye? Everything?" I ask him, he nods his head.

"I don't—I don't see why they wouldn't." He expresses to me, I grin and smile widely, I jump up and click my heels together.

"Woo." I let out, earning a laugh from Strange and Dr Atwell. I know I went through multiple universes with her and it might be odd to forget her name but that's okay because I get to go home! To my friends! Maybe MIT still remembers my application and I don't have to do the GED test. I mean I have studied a lot for it but still, hopefully.


We arrive in New York and I look around and web a lamppost and create a pull so I can start to swing around and go to my apartment to check if there's no crime or if people need me just in case. Still gotta be that Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Woman. Happy! Happy! Oh, I gotta make sure Happy is okay, I pull out my phone and take my suit off, I dial Happy's number and call him. I wait for him to answer and on the fourth ring, he answers.

"Y/n! There you are! I have been trying to reach you for a few hours now, come on, what's happening? Where are you?"

"You remember me?!" I exclaim excitedly,

"Yes! Why wouldn't I remember you?" He asks me, I sigh in relief and fall back onto my bed with a massive grin on my face. I'm so glad that he remembers me.

"Happy, what is the last thing you remember?"

"We were at May's grave. You seemed upset and I've been trying to check on you. You haven't been answering your door or texts." He explains to me, I sigh in relief at this. I mean I miss my Aunt May and I feel bad that he was there and thinks we had a normal conversation.

"Right. Sorry. I just went through the craziest thing ever! I'll tell you all about it later on, okay? I gotta go. I gotta go see Kate, MJ, Peter and Ned!"

"Okay, yeah, sure. Just make sure you are okay and I got another letter from MIT, they have reconsidered you and your friends." He informs me, I can tell that he is grinning ear-to-ear. I throw my fists in the air excitedly,

"HELL YEAH!" I let out before moving the phone back to my ear, "Thank you, Happy! Thank you! Thank you, thank you!" I let out excitedly, Mask . My suit comes off, thank god for Nano-Technology. I say bye to Happy and he hangs up after his goodbye. I change into jeans and a t-shirt then throwing my favourite flannel over it. I put my high top vans on and I leave the room, I lock it behind me and start to run to Kate's house, I have to go see her. I have to see if she's okay.


I arrive at her apartment building and I see her doorman, I hesitate for a moment before just heading inside; I go toward the elevator and press the bottom, I wait for an elevator door to open and when the right one opens, I go to go in and I press the top floor. I wait for the doors to shut and I rest my head against the back and try to calm my breathing down. The doors soon open and I look around, no one's home.

"Kate?!" I call on her, I run up the stairs and through the rooms to look for her, I see her lying in bed. "Kate!" I call on her, she turns to me and her eyes widen before she quickly gets up, running over and jumping into my arms. I hug her back and stumble backwards a little but hold her tightly,

"Where have you been?! Me, Peter, Ned and MJ! We've been looking for you for two days! I mean, I was so worried! I thought you had died or something—" I kiss her and I feel her smile into the kiss but kiss me back, she runs her hand through my hair and I set her down, we pull away for a moment and I rest my forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not answering, I've been going through different dimensions." I tell her, her eyes widen at this. "It's a long story, I've been trying to fight off Wanda from Strange but don't worry, we got her back and she's fine now, um—"

"Slow down, are you hurt? Are you okay?" She asks me, worriedly, resting her hands on my cheeks, I hold her hands.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." I tell her, I move and kiss both of her hands then turn to her, "I'm just so glad to see you." I tell her, smiling widely.

"You okay?"

"I just... um, I really missed you." I admit, smiling at her. I'm so happy that she remembers me, this—this is the greatest day of my life honestly. I'm so glad that we're finally back together and she remembers me.

"Yeah. Yeah, I missed you too." She tells me, smiling widely and I notice her blushing a little bit but it was cute. "Did you hear the great news?!" She asks me excitedly, I nod my head.

"We got in." I state, she nods her head and starts jumping around excitedly, "Wanna go celebrate?" I ask her, offering my hand. She takes it and places a kiss on my cheek,

"Can we invite our friends?" She asks me, I nod my head and place a kiss on her forehead.

"We can do whatever, just go turn your laptop off and come back to me with that wide smile on your face." I grin out, she blushes at this and hesitates to move before she turns back and heads toward her bed and turns her stuff off, she walks toward me and takes my hand, directing me inside. She sits me over at her bed while she gets changed and I just wait for her patiently and turn around when she took her t-shirt off. I feel Kate place a kiss on my cheek and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I'm ready." She tells me, I grin at this and turn to her.

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