Hook up gone wrong 2

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A/N: Emily Junk x Reader


I believe this was requested and I really liked writing the first part, I hope you all enjoy, have a nice day!



Y/n's POV:

I feel myself stir awake because of the sunlight that's entering the room through the window and literally blinding me, god sake. Sometimes I just wish I could turn down the brightness of things. It mostly being the sun. It's just too bright, I hate it! Why is it got to be so blinding? I open my eyes and start to itch them, I see the window open and look to see Amy getting in and just as I'm about to move, she falls on top of me. I groan in pain at this and hold my forearm in pain.

"AH—! FUCK!" I scream in pain, alarming everyone and in seconds, all the Bella's are in my room.

"Don't be a big baby, L/n." I hear Amy say, on top of me. I push her off of me and hold my arm in pain,

"Are you okay?" Chloe asks me, I feel a lot of pain in my forearm right now; I try to move it around but it's still sore. I shake my head and Chloe and Beca direct me into the kitchen and ice it. "How'd it happen?" She asks me, I sigh at this.

"I wake up to the sunlight and when I open my eyes. I see Amy crawling in and she falls on top of me as I try to move which clearly didn't work." I explain to the two, Beca hisses at this.

"Shit." I hear Beca groan out, "I can sense the pain." She expresses to me, holding exactly where it hurts but on her arm, I nod my head lightly.

"Yeah." I breathe out. I see Emily come into the kitchen,

"You okay?" I hear Emily ask me, I nod my head lightly and just look at Chloe.

"Does it look okay?" I ask her, hoping that I wasn't having to go to the hospital or something but I genuinely might have too as I am being dead-ass serious when I say that I can barely move my wrist. Chloe shakes her head,

"Emily will help you get dressed—"

"I can do it on my own." I cut Chloe off,

"All right, get changed and we'll take you to the nurses at the University." Chloe informs me, I nod my head and head upstairs, holding the ice pack. I head into my room and I see Amy looking at me.

"What?" I ask, sharply.

"Woah, what's with the rudeness?" Amy questions,

"Why'd you crawl through my window?" I ask her in reply, "What happened to just using doors?" I ask her, she laughs at this.

"You're not wrong, but hey! At least it ain't broken." She says, hitting it hardly. I let out a yelp in pain. "Oh, shit, sorry." She apologises, and leaves the room. I roll my eyes at this and get changed. It's difficult but I manage. I open the door and see Emily.

"Y/n, can we—?"

"I've gotta go." I say, moving past her. Heading downstairs.

"I—I know but I really would like to talk—"

"Okay. I don't. We can talk another time, Emily." I say to her, glancing at her but even then it was a little bit difficult to look at her.

"'Emily'? What happened to 'Em'? Or 'Legacy'?" She asks me but I ignore it and call on Chloe and Beca, Chloe rushes toward me, babying me as always while Beca calms her down and my moms direct me to the University and take me to the nurses office.

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