Younger Sibling

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A/N: Emily Junk x Reader

Requested by: ShadowAce29

Summary: Y/n is Beca's sister. Joining the group and being the badass and overprotective sister and is only really nice to the group.



Emily's POV:

We're all planning songs on what we can do and Amy keeps hitting me with a pillow whenever I try to suggest something which is kinda annoying,

"Okay! Okay, Amy stop it, otherwise your gonna suffocate, tall legs over there—"

"Wha— okay, I have a name, everybody. And! I have feelings as well." I try to argue, everyone just stares at me.

"Did she say something?" Amy asks the group, "Cause I don't think anyone was listening." She continues on to say, everyone nodding their head and agreeing, I roll my eyes and my expression falls. I sigh lightly and let everyone continue to talk about songs they want to do.

"Oh! Oh! Everyone, I have an announcement." Stacey starts,

"You're pregnant." Amy guesses, Stacey looks at her confused.

"No...? Um—" The door goes,

"Oh, my god!" Beca squeals out, excitedly. Rushing out of her chair and pushing Stacey back into the chair by her boobs, well... I mean she does have nice boobs, so— "AH! You're here!" We hear her squeal out,

"Is... Is depresso expresso Beca squealing?" Chloe asks confused, glancing around the group, a mixture of confusion going around the group before we hear another female or male voice replying, it's kinda hard from how deep their voice is.

"Come in! Come in! Come meet everyone." We hear Beca say,

"What? Beca I don't know these people—" We see a tall figure of a girl stumble into our view and she turns to us with a nervous but excited look, "hi...! Every—Everybody." The girl greets everyone,

"Hi." Chloe greets her,

"Hey." I say to her, her eyes landing on mines before she smiles and nods her head.

"Hi." Amy greets the girl in front of us,

"Who's this chick standing in our living room?" I hear Cynthia say, looking away from the list.

"Why hello." Stacey greets, twirling her hair around. The girl gives her a small smile before going to speak but Beca appears.

"Everyone! Can we guess who this is?" Beca questions, we all reply with a 'No'. Beca turns to her, "Do the face— actually, we'll both do the face?"

"Yeah. Yeah, let's do it." She agrees, the two turn to us with the stone cold Mitchell look.

"Oh, my god! You're a Mitchell!" Amy gasps out, everyone cheering, the girl nodding her head with a smile.

"What's your name, pretty?" Stacey asks her, in a seductive tone. All of us turning to her while I'm still wrapping my head around Beca having a younger sister.

"Uh, Y/n. Hi... everyone. Nice...Nice meeting you all." Y/n introduces herself, we all greet her, speaking over one another telling her our names.

"Everyone shut up!" Beca shouts, she points at Chloe, "That's Chloe." She starts going around the group then points at me, I wave at her, her waving back. "And that's Emily. Our newest member." She concludes.

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