Miss Death

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A/N: Emily Dickinson x Reader

Summary: Emily gets into an argument with her mother and father and when she storms upstairs, she gets pulled away from reality into her imagination and meets someone unexpected.

I wanted to bring back another beloved character from other Hailee one-shot book, so, I bring Miss Death. The one everyone simps for and honestly love it aha

Thank you for 10-17k! I love you all so much, sorry that I have been paying attention aha <3



Emily's POV:

"...Austin Dickinson." He announces on who he wants to give everything, I freeze, him continuing to talk yet I simply ignore it all. Why is he giving it all to Austin? He is angry at Austin and Austin is angry at him.

"I'm sorry...?" I interrupt, over him talking about whatever other property he wants to give to my brother,


"Who're you giving everything too?" I ask him, he repeats Austin's name but I don't write it. I feel myself freeze up, unable to move. I try to calm my breathing down as I try not to overreact but I can't help it. He literally just told me that I was the only one who stuck by him and how proud he was of me! Why has he changed all of a sudden? 

"What?" He questions,

"Why all to him?" I ask him, turning to look at him; he laughs at this as his eyes fall toward the window then back toward me, 

"Well who else would I give it too?" Edward asks me as if I'm a ghost to him, as if I don't care. As if I'm another one of his properties— wait, there is no 'as if', it's true. I'm just a property too him! A property to be handed over?

"Why not share it between me, Austin and Lavinia?" I question, he laughs at this.

"It is simply not good for such a big responsibility to be given to a woman." He answers, I clench my jaw at this, I stand up and set the pencil down before turning to him, "Emily," he starts softly, "what is going on with you?" He asks me, I look over at him and see how serious he is. How is he so serious about this? This has to be a joke. This has to be a joke.

"You're joking, right?" I ask my dad, trying to pray that he is joking and he's spreading it between us three instead of giving everything to Austin. 

"Joking? About what?"

"Giving everything to Austin. You..." I take a deep breath, forcing my eyes shut for a moment before opening them and clenching my fists. "You're joking, right?"

"No, I said that a woman has other duties. One that isn't to carry a business. Or handle that such of a responsibility." He explains to me as if it was a fact. Woman are more than that. Woman can handle such responsibilities, only a fool and a pompous blowhard would disagree. Whether he says or not. I stare at him, trying not to let the few tears fall but they do and he notices it. His expression unrelaxing. "Emily—?"

"You are nothing... but an old man, who has no imagination which is going to get you no where in life, and you know what?" I ask him, he hesitates to speak as I let the tears fall. My bottom lips falls under my top teeth and I let it fall while I nod my head, scoffing slightly. "I regret choosing you over Austin." I tell him, before ripping up his stupid will and chucking it in his face, storming out of the room,

"Emily— Emily!" I hear him shout on me, I open the door and slam it behind me, I rush up to my room and lock the door, resting my back against the door as I try to calm down, my chest rising then falling quickly. I let out a shaky breath as I shake my head. Letting every single tear fall. I cover my mouth, trying to quieten my sobs yet one slips and I immediately regret it but I'm thankful that no one is upstairs, Lavinia is out, my mom is downstairs cleaning whatever and Maggie is in the kitchen as per usual. Sometimes I want to help Maggie out as she's always doing something, as if she doesn't have a break. It makes me feel bad for her.

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