Secret Crush on the Mechanic 3

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A/N: Charlie Watson x Reader





Y/n's POV:

I glance over toward Bee as he continues to watch Breakfast Club then back at Charlie who is just smiling at the robot.

"Charlie, what is... he?" I question, glancing at the robot then focusing on Charlie as her head turns in my direction.

"Well..." She starts, "he... is my car and... a robot." she explains to me, I nod my head lightly.

"Wow, very informational." I joke, making her laugh. As she nods her head lightly.

"Yeah, yeah, I try to be." She continues on, I grin at this and look over at him but feel her grab my t-shirt and pull me up. I turn to her and my eyes flicker to her lips without meaning too. "I swear, if you tell anyone, I will run you over with him." She threatens, I go to speak and nod my head.

"Okay... okay, cool." I let out, catching my breath from the panic that was brought on from Bee. He turns to us and I wave, Charlie lets go off me and glances between us. "Hi." I greet him, he looks over at Charlie before turning back to me and waving in reply. "I'm Y/n L/n." I introduce myself, putting my hand out, he gets up and hesitantly walks over, he takes my hand and shakes it lightly.

"He's Bumblebee. Bee for short." Charlie explains to me, I nod my head.

"I love the name, suits his outfit." I express to her, Charlie chuckles at this and nods her head.

"Yeah, it's why I picked it." Charlie replies, I go to speak and just decide to stay quiet. Me and Bee let go and I watch as he walks over toward the TV and continues to watch TV, he sits down causing a bit of a thud. I turn to Charlie.

"He seems really cool." I chuckle out, she grins at this.

"He is." She tells me, nodding her head as she crosses her arms while smiling and looking at him. She turns back to me, "Anyway," She starts, I clench my jaw a little bit. "did you wanna talk about anything?" She asks me,

"I... just wanted to ask how you felt... about the 'situation'." I express to her, "Cause, I mean, we... uhm, we've talked about my feelings... quite clearly, by now. But no one knows about yours." I express to her, "So, I thought I'd offer my knowledge of cars as well as hang out with someone who I think could use a friend." I continue onto say, I see Charlie smile at this. "I also kinda wanted to figure out how you felt but... no pressure." I assure her, noticing her smile widen slightly as she glances over at her dad's car then at me.

"Thanks." She lets out, "Have you ever fixed a car before?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly and we start to work on her dad's car yet it's quite difficult I'm not gonna lie. With certain parts missing and us not exactly being able to afford it, it's gonna be hard to start it up. "Come on! Why isn't this working?" She angrily complains, moving out from underneath the car and chucking the wrench, I watch as it slams against the ground and I hear rushed footsteps. "Hide! Hide." She tells me, I hide inside Bumblebee while her mom comes in.

"Charlie? Is everything alright?" I hear her mom say, I force my eyes shut and hold my breath in.

"Yeah, Mom. Just... struggling with this car..." She complains, sighing. She stands up and walks over, picking up the wrench.

"All right, well, just be a little careful, okay? Do you want to come join us?" Her mom offers, Charlie shakes her head.

"No... no, I just wanna try fix this. I'll be heading going to my room soon though, I think." Charlie informs her, her mom nods her head lightly and offers a light smile.

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