"Hailee... I can explain" 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Now I quite liked part one and I do hope you enjoy part two as...

Summary: Hailee is slowly becoming part of the family but on one unexpected night, someone shows up to ruin the dynamic.



Y/n's POV:

I stir awake in the middle of the night to hearing crying, I look around and see Hailee fast asleep and when I look in the direction of the door, that's when I realise who it was. Lily. I rush to my feet, pushing the covers off of me and head toward her room; I knock on the door,

"Lilybug? You okay in there?" I call out to her, hearing her sobs quieten and her feet move across the floor to open the door, the door opens and I see her upset. Wiping her eyes and opening her arms for me.

"Mommy," She sobs out, wanting to be held. I pick her up and hold her close to me, bouncing a little as I go back into her room and shut it quietly so I don't wake Hailee up. I pat her back as she rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm scared." She tells me between sobs.

"Don't worry, my princess, I've got you now. No one's ever gonna hurt you while I'm here." I express to her, placing a kiss on her head. Patting her back, lightly. "You wanna tell me about it?" I ask her, hoping that I can cheer her up and make her feel better. She shakes her head, continuing to cry. I sit down on the rocking chair that rests in the corner of the room, knowing that it sometimes helps her sleep, I sit her down on my lap. Wiping her tears for her.

"N—Not really..." She answers, sniffling and still having a sad pout on her lips. I rub her back and hold her close to me,

"Okay, darling, I won't pressure you. Just know that mommy's always here for you, okay?" I assure her, she nods her head and moves closer, resting her head on my chest. I hold her close and lean back, beginning to tell her a story that I make up on the spot. Hearing her yawn and progressively get quieter and quieter, asking less questions and when I lean my head forward, I notice her fast asleep. I smile and lean back, continuing to little whisper sweet nothing's in her ear. Hoping to bring her some comfort.


Hailee's POV:

I wake up from the first night of staying over and when I don't feel the warmth of Y/n beside me, I panic. I wipe my eyes and open them, looking around. Feeling my face drain.

"Babe?" I call out to her, whispering as I look at the time and it's quite early. I get up and check inside the bathroom but she's not there, I head down the hall and I don't see her in the living room, I look around the corridor and hear some footsteps from a room near Y/n's. I head over and knock on the door before stepping in to see Lily moving out of Y/n's lap and getting to her feet, she turns and stops completely before waving. "Hey, Lil, what's going on here?" I ask her, whispering to her. She walks over with her arms out and I pick her up, resting her on my side as I go and sit on the bed.

"Mommy's sleeping and I'm hungry." She tells me, I nod my head lightly, seeing Y/n fast asleep on the chair making a smile tug on my lips; I turn back to her,

"What would you like?" I ask her,

"Well, I want pancakes but mommy says that I can only have that on special days. She wants me to be 'healthy', whatever that means." She informs me, I giggle at this quietly. I see her smile at my reaction, and glance over at Y/n then back at me. Okay, so, Lily's quite a sassy one.


"Okay, I'm sure I'll convince your mom." I tell her, sending her a small smile. Noticing her eyes light up at this. "You want to help me get them?" I offer, she nods her head and I take her downstairs and sit her on the counter, knowing that there are pancakes here somewhere in this house as I literally bought pancakes for her when I came over. I search for the bag and when I find it, I pick it up and show Lily with a mischievous look. The look being returned, I head over and set it beside it, digging into the bag and finding the pancakes. I pull them out and open them.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now