Wanted and Desired 13

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

This is practically like a look into their future! I've loved writing this series and I hope that you all enjoyed reading this series <3

Btw I thought I'd give you a little bit of a treat to make up for how shit the ending is <3



Hailee's POV:

Okay, so, I thought being able to date Katie and keep it a secret was easy but holy fucking shit, it hasn't been. Recently, she's been brighter, and her grades are improving as apparently they were falling, her dad's backed away now that her grades are improving once more. She's also improved a lot with her style and is wearing a lot more smarter choices that make her look so attractive.

I just want to kiss her all the time. I love it but hate it at the same time.

Our friends probably know as we've stopped trying to hide it from them.

However, studying sessions more likely go like...

"Fuck, I just wanna kiss you all the time." I hear Katie whisper in my ear, as her fingers curl inside of me, I have my hand over my mouth as if I let out the slightest sound, I know we'll get caught. "Are you always this wet for me nowadays?" She asks me, as her lips drag down to my sweet spot, her beginning to create a mark. I let out a whine, the whine being muffled by hand. Feeling her three fingers continue to move in and out, curling every second thrust.

"Mhmm-hmm." Is all I can let out, arching my back toward her when I feel her hit my g-spot, wanting to cum on the spot. I rest my head on her shoulder, her laughing lowly.

"Look at you being all quiet now." I feel myself get more wet at her words and I'm not gonna lie, I just want to have sex with her all day, every day. I know that we agreed on taking things slow but ever since we've confirmed us dating, we just can't keep our hands to ourselves. It's truly a mystery where all of this came from, especially on her side but hey, I'm not complaining. I feel myself getting closer and closer, feeling her thumb rub my clit while her fingers hit my g-spot, curling. Sending me over the edge. I let out a moan as I feel myself cum over her fingers, I remove my hand and quickly kiss her. Her kissing me back as she helps me ride out my high. I continue to kiss her as I try to contain my moans and whines to a minimum however I can't help any that slip from how good she is at fucking me. It's so perfect, I swear. She removes her fingers from me and grabs toilet paper, wiping her fingers clean and wiping me clean, before pulling away from the kiss. She sighs contently as she pulls away. "How do we always find ourselves in here?" She asks me, letting out a small laugh. Referring to the janitors closet that we're in right now, I laugh with her, feeling myself out of breath.

"I—I don't know." I pant out, reaching for my jeans but Katie stops me,

"Down." She orders me to do, sternly. I sit back down, and she grabs the jeans and puts them on for me, "Remember, I want to take care of you after every single time, I don't care what you say." She expresses to me, making me laugh. I nod my head.

"Thank you." I let out, quietly. Earning a smile from her. I stand up and my legs buckle a little bit, but Katie stands me back up and helps me slip my jeans back up to my waist, buttoning the button in the middle and pulling up the zipper. I put my arms out and she puts my t-shirt back on. She then picks me up, sitting me back down where I was and grabs her shirt, putting it back on. Grabbing her glasses and putting them back on. She grabs my shoes and puts them on for me, retying the laces for me even when I offer to do it myself, she still ignores me and does it for me anyway. "Are you hanging out with me, Alessio and Nick for lunch? Or are you spending time with Angel and Shaun for lunch?" I ask her, hoping that she's joining me and my friends for lunch.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now