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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Requested by: m1llaaay

Summary: Hailee and Y/n have been trying for a baby for a while and when they fail once again, Y/n blames herself and Hailee comforts her.



Hailee's POV:

I'm with my girlfriend right now, Y/n L/n, and I have to be honest; we've been trying to have a baby for a solid 7 months however, nothing is really working and I don't know why or how. We've both been to the doctor's and she can get me pregnant, it just isn't working. I can tell that Y/n is starting to get upset by it as every time that we try, she gets her hopes up just for it to be brought down.

I head into the room after setting the test down on the counter to wait 10 minutes and see Y/n facing the window, slouching. I walk over and move beside her, wrapping my arm around her, placing a kiss on her cheek; her body seemingly flows in whatever direction I pulled which makes me feel as if something's wrong.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her, noticing the sad look in her eyes. She shrugs lightly, not looking at me. "Talk to me, what's up, love?" I ask her, hoping to get some reply out of her.

"I'm... scared." She lets out, I notice her hand shaking so I take her hands in my lap and place a kiss on her hands.

"Everything's going to be okay—"

"It's not, we... we keep trying and I keep failing us..." She expresses to me, finally looking at me with tears pent up. "I...I'm sorry..." She apologises, I shake my head and pull her in for a hug; I turn my body toward her and hold her close to me.

"It's okay, you're telling me how you feel." I express to her, "You're allowed to feel things." I hum out, she nods her head and I hear her sniffle lightly before starting to sob. "Hey, it's okay, I got you." I whisper to her, as she continues to sob.

"I feel like a failure..." She sobs out, I shake my head.

"It's okay, we're gonna be okay, love. If this doesn't work, we can always try other ways." I remind her, she nods her head but continues to sob, moving back, as she sniffles and grabs herself a tissue; wiping her tears away as I use my hand to brush her hair out of her face, as I know it bothers her.

"I just... w—wish something would go my way... I mean, I have you—I...I have you but... I really want a kid with you. And I want to do things that every other couple can do, I just don't know why it isn't working..." She expresses to me, I nod my head lightly. Letting her continue to talk and rant about anything and everything that she wanted too. "I wish I could just skip to the bit where we have a kid and...and everything's fine." She continues on to say, I nod my head lightly and place a kiss on her head.

"I get that, I do. But we just have to keep powering through and I'm sure that everything is going to be okay." I express to her, rubbing her back, she nods her head and places a kiss on my cheek. She wipes her eyes with her tissue and sniffles.

"Thanks, Haiz." She thanks me, I shrug lightly.

"It's okay." I grin out,


We got a little bit distracted and watched a movie so we've completely forgotten about the pregnancy test, I get up and head to the bathroom and see it resting there; I feel my heartbeat race as I feel my hands start to shake, seeing that it's negative. I sigh at this and just freeze, the thought of needing to be completely out of my brain, what the hell am I going to tell Y/n? She's already so upset about it, I don't want to upset her more.

I just continue to pee and I then flush and pull my pants up, then head over and wash my hands; I hear a knock on my door and completely freeze at this.

"Yeah?" I call out, clearing my throat.

"Haiz, did you see the test?" I hear Y/n shout to me, I completely freeze and I stare at myself in the mirror, "Hailee?" I hear her call on me,

"Y—Yeah?" I reply, hoping that she'll just ignore it but I know that it'll be the exact opposite of it.

"Did you see the test?" I hear her ask, I dry my hands and take the test, opening the door and shut the light off; I see her staring at me and looking very nervous. " it, like, negative or positive?" She asks me, I move the test in front of me and hesitantly hand it to her, hoping that she doesn't get too upset by it but by the look on her face, I can tell she's trying to hold it together; I see her expression completely fall and her jaw clench as she takes a deep breath in and slowly releases it, I pull her in for a hug and hold her tightly.

"Hey, I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I apologise to her, she shakes her head and just rests her chin on my shoulder; letting me hug into her,

"It—It's fine." She mumbles in reply, "I'll be back." She tells me, pulling away and leaving the room; I want to go after her but I also think that I should leave her alone, it might be best.


I head downstairs and I hear sobbing from nearby and the only nearby room is the garage where a few of our gym equipment is, I peak my head in and see her on the floor beside the punching bags, she chucks the two gloves away and continues to sob; I push through and rush toward her,

"Hey, talk to me." I express to her, sitting down beside her; wrapping an arm around her, she leans into me and continues to sob. "I'm sorry, my love—"

"No... no, I just... I feel like it's my fault..." She sobs out, starting to try to calm herself down. I start to shake my head lightly,

"No, it isn't—"

"It is! Nothing that we try is working! I hate it. I—I can't do anything right, it's like I'm... I'm broken or something!" She complains,

"Hey, listen to me! Everything is fine. We are fine. Maybe this is a sign to look at other options or try again later on in life." I express to her, I continue to hold her as she soon calms down then soon falls asleep; I place a kiss on her head and I pick her up, taking her to the couch and lying down with her as when I did try to leave, she cried till I came back and when I helped her calm down, she once again fell right back asleep in my arms.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now