Chasing after her 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Part 3!!




Y/n's POV:

I'm sitting at my bay window, waiting for Hailee as I really wanna know what she wants to talk to me about, it's making me stressed out as I want to know and I don't wanna wait another second but I have to wait another second which is very annoying. I hear the doorbell go and hear my mom beginning to get up. I rush out of my room and head toward the door,

"No, no, no, no, no!" I shout to her, she looks at me confused, "Go... I... go." I shoo her away, she narrows her eyes,

"You're acting weird."

"You're acting weird." I rebuttal, earning a small laugh from her. Her smiling at me widely.

"You're cute. Go answer your little girlfriend." She tells me, I go to protest before I hear the knock continue for a moment,

"We're not dating!" I shout to her, seeing her walk away and I turn around, heading over to the door and unlock it, I open the door and see Hailee, smiling at me.

"Hi." She greets me, smiling widely.

"Hey." I reply to her, "Uh, come in! Come in." I allow her, moving out of her way, she walks in, removing her hands from her pockets and looking around the foyer. "Let me." I say, offering to take her jacket off,

"Oh, uh, thanks." She thanks me, moving her arms out for me, I move behind her and take her jacket off for her and hang it up; I shut the door over and grasp her hand, taking her toward my room, ignoring my mom.

"Honey, who's—? woah, hey— Y/n."

"Bye, mom." I say to her,

"I wanna talk— there's this new movie coming out on Friday, I think you'll really—" I push Hailee in my room, her smiling at me,

"Give me a second." I tell her, shutting the door and turning to my mom.

"Let me help—"

"—I don't need help—"

"—You don't need help?"

"I don't need help, now shoo. Go... do something. Anything." I tell her, nudging her with my hip, earning a small laugh as she heads back into the living room, I open the door and head inside my room, seeing her look around at the more books that I have from last time,

"I see you've bought Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen." She points out, picking up the book and showing it to me,

"Yes, I'm annotating it while reading it, it's one of my favourite things to do while I read." I express to her, smiling widely as I walk over to stand beside her. She hums,

"I might start doing that. Is it hard?"

"No. You just write your thoughts next to sentences that make you think. You underline lines you like. You can tab pages that you adore. Boom. Annotation." I explain to her, making her laugh and nod her head,

"Sounds very time-filling." She expresses to me,

"Yes, but it makes it look so pretty." I express, smiling at her as I show her a tabbed page that had many notes on the page boarders, and many lines underlined. Seeing her smile.

"I love your handwriting." She expresses to me, resting her hand over mines as she holds the book as well. I feel myself blush, staring at her as her eyes scan over the page. "I have to admit, it is very beautiful." She adds, moving her head back and away from the book, removing her hand from on top of mines. I nod my head, shutting the book over and setting it down.

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