Defending Charlie 2

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A/N: Charlie x Reader

I don't know if you guys want a part two but I feel like there could be more to the story so yeah!

I hope you all enjoy and...



Y/n's POV:

I shut the door in her garage as we managed to find space for it, and she shuts the garage door behind her, she turns to me with a warm smile that brings me comfort.

"Mind waiting here? I just need to go do something then we need to go to your house." She informs me, I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah, sure." I agree, "Can I go sit down?" I ask her, pointing to the chair by the desk filled with parts and paper as well as vinyl's.

"Yeah, of course. Just... um..."

"I won't touch anything, I promise." I assure her, earning a soft smile from her; her moving back and toward the door,

"Right... um, thank you." She thanks me, I go over and sit down on the chair; waiting for Charlie to come back, noticing that there was a yellow VW. Hm, not a choice I would've thought that she would've liked to have had but whatever. Seems like a nice car. I wait for her for about 5 minutes and she comes in and shuts the door behind her, holding a bag as she shoves a towel in there. "Right, I'm ready. You?" She asks me, I hear some low rumbling and look to see that the yellow VW is now a... oh my god.

"Oh, my—"

"SH!" I hear Charlie exclaim, before turning to the... robot? "Bee, what're you doing?" She asks her in panic, he tilts his head and then changes back into his car form. She sighs and covers her face, I turn to her.

"I'm not hallucinating, right?" I ask her, looking over at her. She shakes her head and I let out a small gasp, smiling widely. "That was so cool." I let out, smiling widely. Her looking at me in shock.

"W—Wait, really?" She asks me, I nod my head.

"Yeah! What is it, Bee?" I ask her,

"Yeah. Well, Bumblebee but I call him Bee for short." She explains to me, I nod my head lightly and turn back to the yellow Volkswagen. Nodding my head.

"Right..." I let out, "I'm assuming I'm not to tell a single soul?" I ask her, she nods her head.


"Anyone else know?" I ask her, looking over at her noticing that she's moved closer to me and is now standing beside me.

"Just me and Memo." She answers, sheepishly. I nod my head lightly.

"Okay." I let out, taking a deep breath in and out. "Wait, what're we doing?" I ask her, turning the spinning chair to her and stopping in front of her, taking her hand and pulling her closer to me as I open my legs to let her stand between and I look up at her, noticing her blush a little making me smile.

"That's, uh, that's a surprise." She replies, I groan and rest my head against her stomach, her giggling and resting her hand on top of my head. Patting my head before running her hand through my hair. "Come on, L/n. Let's get out of here." She tells me, I huff and remove my head from her stomach and she walks over to my car, I turn to the yellow VW.

"Bye Bee. It was nice meeting you." I say to the yellow car, hearing a song playing that says, 'Nice meeting you'. I smile and get up, opening the driver's side door and getting in, while Charlie opens the garage door then gets in, putting her seatbelt on. I begin to reverse and glance behind me, resting my hand on the back of her seat. I move my hand around the wheel and then turn back and remove my hand, beginning to turn and head out of the driveway, beginning to drive home. I glance at Charlie and see her simply staring at me, I glance at her before turning to her for a handful of seconds before focusing on the road. "You okay, Char?" I ask her, tilting my head slightly as I glance at her. She nods her head, blushing. "How come you're blushing then?" I question, glancing at her once again with a light smile, noticing her turn even more red before facing ahead. I focus on the road, waiting for her answer.

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