Opposites Attract

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee is a ray of sunshine and loves practically everyone, she's always this ball of light and sunshine, yet when she meets a girl named Y/n L/n, it seems to be that she is the exact opposite of how Hailee is yet that doesn't stop her intriguement.

ALSO! Thank you for 50k! I'm so sorry that I haven't been thanking you all, I've just completely forgotten as I'm mostly ahead and just posting while working on other ones so thank you!



Hailee's POV:

I got invited to this party by my friend, Sophie, I'm not gonna lie, I didn't wanna go at first but then when she told me that we could stick together for most of the night; I felt a little bit more comfort so I decided to go, Sophie's driving us there right now and I'm a little bit nervous,

"You alright? You seem pretty quiet." Sophie points out, I look over at her and glance ahead of us,

"Yeah, I'm okay. You?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." She replies, smiling lightly. "I'm excited for this party! We get to see some friends, get to have a few drinks! I'm excited." She expresses to me, I nod my head lightly.

"Yeah... I—I don't think I'll drink tonight." I inform her, she glances over at me.

"Wait, really?"

"Well, you can't either cause your driving." I remind her, I see her face drain and she groans at this, I sigh at this. "I'll drive." I tell her, she cheers at this.

"Yay!" She lets out, we soon arrive at the party after finding a parking spot and we head inside, Sophie greets a few people, introducing them to me which was nice. It was nice to meet new people. "I think that you should come with me to go get a drink." Sophie suggests, I nod my head at this.

"Yeah, sure, let's go." I agree, she squeals at this excitedly and takes my hand, directing me toward the kitchen and when we arrive in the kitchen, I walk past a few people drinking, a few people doing some drugs, a few people vaping. All that typical party bullshit. I walk over with her and she pours herself a drink, downing it in about a second or two, she nods her head and I grab a bottle of water for me and Sophie.

Y/n's POV:

I'm not gonna lie, I wish I could tell you where I am right now, although, I have some idea; I'm not exactly sure, I'm in the middle of some sort've street but I'm supposed to be at some stupid party that my friend, Lexi, invited me too. I didn't wanna go at first as I wanted to go get high with my dealer / drug friend, Fez. However, Fez wasn't there as guess where he is? At the stupid, fuckin party.

I had to walk there as well as I didn't wanna take my bike and I don't have a car, so, when I did arrive, I was fucking tired as shit and I think that I deserve to have some drugs, I head over to the couch outside and get high, looking around as I take in everything. There's a lot of shit going on at this party, a lot of people hooking up in random places, people vaping, the PDA couple being their usual PDA selves. As I walk into the bathroom, I see a couple fucking,

"Shit, sorry." I apologise, "Ayo, bro, your doing it wrong." I tell him, he looks at me.

"What the fuck?"

"She ain't wrong." The girl agreed, the guy looked at her angrily as I grin at this and send him a small wave before leaving the bathroom, I start to look around and try to find some other friends that're worth trying to talk too yet I can't really find anyone. I head into the kitchen and see Lexi, sitting on the counter. I walk over to her and she smiles.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now