Mind Controlled

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A/N: Kate Bishop x Reader

Summary: Y/n is being mind-controlled by Wanda and when she bumps into fighting her girlfriend, Kate Bishop, things start to become a bit of a struggle for Kate.



Kate's POV:

All right, me, Doctor Strange, Clint, and Yelena all have a plan to get my girlfriend, Y/n L/n, back. Right now, she's being mind-controlled by Wanda— I really liked Wanda when I first met her, not anymore of course! She seemed like a nice woman but you know what? Just cause she wants to have kids, go find a donor and have a baby then! Why mind-control my girlfriend?!

But whatever, right now, we're at some building where we think that Wanda might be with Y/n, I'm trying to find her while Clint and Strange are creating a diversion then Yelena is going to the panel room to try and unlock doors and shit. I walk into this room where there's two big-ass engines and shit and in the middle, I see Y/n. I know that back from anywhere, with how many times I've used the dildo—

"Y/n!" I call after her, rushing toward her. She stands up and turns to me, her eyes were no longer y/e/c, her eyes were all red and swollen as if she had been crying, her eye bags were much more prominent, however, it looked a little hot—

"Kate." She greets me, walking toward me before tilting her head to the side making me crash into the railing. Okay, this is new, ow! She puts her hand out and my body fly towards her, moving in front of her. "What are you doing here?" She asks me, sounding mad.

"Listen, I don't want to get technical or anything but we should come up with something! Like—Like a handshake!" I suggest, I start to feel as if something is choking me, "Cause this greeting sucks!" I complain, she chucks me far back and I feel pain in my side. "Yelena! I—I think I need help, here!"

"Kate Bishop, you've done nothing but talk." Yelena complains, I huff at this.

"Right, yeah, sorry, just reminding you that this is my girlfriend we're talking about." I remind her, I hear her scoff and I push myself up and look around to see her staring at me.

"Leave, Kate." She tells me, her voice low and sulky.

"Y/n, please—"

"I won't tell you again." She continues onto say, stopping in front of me, as she tilts her head and rests her hand on my face, "You aren't moving..." She hums out,

"Okay, why do you like to make me sexually confused? I feel like I'm finding out my sexuality all over again." I express to her, she circles around me before pulling me into the air once again and chucking me back further away again. She forces the door shut but I quickly manage to jump through just in time. I sigh in relief at this. "Right, well, that's a little rude, no?" I shout to her, pulling out an arrow and grabbing my bow, setting the arrow up and shooting at whatever she's working on, she quickly turns around and puts her hand out; the arrow stopping and moving toward me, I duck out the way, "Okay, maybe Clint was right about the boomerang arrow thing." I huff out, I shoot multiple arrows and use them as a distraction; trying to get close to her.

"Kate." I hear Y/n call on me, sounding angry. "What have I said about shooting arrows toward me?" She questions, turning to me and staring me down; my eyes widen and I stop my walk, how'd she know I was there?

"Well...Well, yeah, I heard but—"

"You know, darling..." She starts, I swallow nervously as she walks toward me, "you should join me..." She continues on as she tilts her head slightly with a smile, "think about what greatness you could achieve if you would just see... the power that we will hold." She expresses to me, I shake my head lightly. "Come on, Kate," She lets out, a low chuckle falling from her lips— why is she being hot right now? "have you ever wondered what it was like to let go?" She asks me, resting her two fingers under my chin and pulling my head up to look at her, "To finally allow yourself to get revenge. The people who hurt you deserve it," She expresses to me, I stare into her eyes, knowing that this isn't the Y/n that I've fallen in love with. "You deserve to get revenge, Kate. Join me. Join... us." Y/n concludes, her voice lowering and raspy when she maintains intense eye contact with me.

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