Caught between two 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader




Y/n's POV:

I wake up, opening my eyes to the burning sight of the sun shining through the blinds, wanting it all to be over as I hear an alarm sound blaring in my ears. I groan, shaking my head. Covering my ears and pulling the covers over my face.

"Come on, L/n." I hear Florence call on me, tapping my arm, I shrug her off. Not wanting to do anything but sleep. "Y/n, get up—"

"—No..." I complain, shaking my head, "Don't make me go...." I long out, continuing to complain earning a soft laugh from Florence, feeling her eyes pierce into the back of my head,

"Is this what Hailee has to put up with every morning?"

"Hmm." I let out, yawning, nodding my head and beginning to fall asleep again before feeling water fall on my face, I gasp, sitting up and coughing, seeing Florence laugh as she has set up towels, how the hell has she done this? "Flo!" I shout at her, seeing her giggle as she begins to rush to the door, I run after her, her running into the bathroom and shutting the door. Locking it. "Florence Pugh, unlock this door, right now!" I shout to her, hearing her laugh.

"Go get ready while I make breakfast!"

"If you survive till breakfast!" I shout in reply, storming off to our room, putting on some gray sweatpants and a black and white vintage astronaut collared pullover. It's one of my favourite sweaters I have. I do up the two buttons on the sweater and put on my favourite pair of converse that were the original black and white. They are so comfy. Haiz always wears her black and white vans, apparently it means something...

I grab my suitcase, passport, wallet and bag that holds my laptop, laptop charger, phone charger and a portable charger, it also holds my journal and my writing journal. I head downstairs to see Florence making pancakes, bacon, and going in the fridge, pulling out red grapes. I sit down and set my bag down on the chair to the left of me, pulling out my phone and beginning to charge it,

"Ah, are you in a brighter mood?" Florence asks me, turning around to me and setting the glass down, I let my shoulders fall, sighing.

"No." I mumble, glaring over at her, seeing her sigh; she goes into the fridge, pulling something out and walking over toward me, setting it in front of me to show me a monster. "UH— Thank you, Flo!" I exclaim, excitedly, reaching for it and going to open it but Florence attempts to hit my hand away, I grip her hand, grabbing it and chuckling as I open it, "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Not fast enough, bucko!" I exclaim in excitement, taking a long sip before setting it down and swallowing the delicious flavour (that's what she said) of monster.

"I give up with you and your addiction to coffee." Florence complains, shaking her head.

"Wha—? Why? Coffee's great, it gives you energy, the whole shabang—"

"—Y/n M/n L/n, I don't get it, it can seriously damage your heart, I'd love to keep you for as long as I can." Florence expresses to me, heading over to the pancakes, taking one out and beginning to pour into the pan, creating a nice circle before stopping and using a knife to move the almost spilling ingredients back into the bowl.

"It's good though..." I let out, standing up and walking over to her, keeping an eye on her so she doesn't reach out for the monster to steal it from me, "plus, if you didn't want me to open it, why buy me it?" I question, seeing her stare at me, I offer my best charming smile. "What, you mad at me because I'm right?" I ask her, teasingly, her punching me in the stomach; I groan, holding my stomach as I kneel down, wrapping my arm around my stomach. Holding it as I let out a small grunt. "I... hate you." I let out, earning a soft laugh from her, her moving her hand under my chin and making me look at her; I stand up, letting out heavy breaths in pain.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now