Away from Family

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A/N: Emily Dickinson x Reader

Requested by: miss_lil_lauren

Summary: Emily is getting stressed out with her family so Y/n takes her away for the day and helps her feel happier and a lot less stressed out.

Thank you so much for 800 reads! I'm so thankful for all of you and I hope you enjoy this one-shot, we are almost at 900 reads so if we can get that, that would be so amazing ❤️



Y/n's POV:

Emily's been writing to me telling me how her family is stressing her out so, I'm on my way to the Dickinson household to meet with Emily and I'm going to take her out for the day. I'm really excited as I know that she'll probably want some piece and quiet, to write, to do some reading. So, I have a picnic planned at her favourite tree.

I hope she enjoys this otherwise this will be very awkward. I walk along the path and bump into George who looks excited.

"Hey, George." I call after him, he looks around and smiles at me.

"Y/n! Hi." He grins out, proudly.

"Someone's in a happy mood. What're we happy about?" I ask him, he takes in a sharp breath before smiling widely.

"Emily's dad gave me his blessing!" He cheers out excitedly, I look at him in shock.

"G—George, I—I don't think she'll be so happy to marry you." I admit to him, trying to let him down easy but I don't know what to tell him.

"I really love her, I listen. I'm there for her. I'll be the perfect husband for a brilliant writer." He expresses to me, I nod my head knowing that he is there for her and really does love Emily, but the feelings aren't reciprocated.

"I'm sorry but I don't think she will be enthusiastic about it. It's just my opinion though." I express to him,

"What? Why?" He asks me,

"Why?" I question, he nods his head, "Um..."


"I've missed you." She grins out happily, shutting her bedroom door before turning to me and attaching her lips against mines, I tug on her waist and pull her closer to me before picking her up and lying her down on her bed, I hover on top of her and kiss a trail of kisses from her lips to her chest, before moving to her soft spot and kissing around it; her breathing getting heavier by each second.

"Mhmm, I've missed you too." I grin out, pulling away and staring into her hazel eyes. She blushes at this and kisses me delicately. Tugging on my waist and moving her hands to around my back to get my dress off. I work on her neck while I help her out.


I kiss down her naked body, entangling our left hands while my right hand moves closer and closer to her center while I place a trail of kisses from her stomach to her inner thighs, making light marks on the way.


She arches her back and I kiss just under her chin, making a trail to the left side of her neck while I continue to pump the two fingers I have in her before finding the spot where she squirms the most and leans closer into my body. I go to make a mark before...

"N—No... someone will— fuck. Someone will notice." She stammers out, trying her hardest to speak. I hum at this and move down, seeing that the mark wasn't there.

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