Surprising Hailee

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

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Summary: Y/n is in the army and when she comes back home from Afghanistan, she surprises Hailee at an award show.

This is gonna be a short one, sorry <3



Hailee's POV:

I'm getting ready for an award show and I'm getting my make up done, I've got a gown on as it's keeping me comfy and warm. Another reason why I like it, is because it's because it's my girlfriend Y/n's. You may be wondering, where she is but she's in Afghanistan fighting in a war. I'm so worried about her.

I really am, I'm so worried but I get a letter once a week from her and she keeps me updated on what's happening and I'm really hoping that she'll be okay. She told me how she's been working hard, doing everything right and making sure that everyone's okay. Something about being a Colonel. I don't know how it works if I'm honest so I don't know if that's good, but she told me that her letters might stop for a week or two because of how busy everything's been and how she needs to really focus on what's happening. She always tells me not to worry but I can't help it when she's always putting her life on the line.

I wish she was here...

"Hailee?" I hear my make-up artist say to me, I look up at him. "You with me?" He asks, 

"Wait, what? What's happening?" I ask him, he laughs at this.

"Never mind. I just was talking and you stopped answering." He explains to me, 

"Oh... right. Sorry." I apologise, he shakes his head and dismisses it with a shrug. I sigh lightly and bite my lip nervously. I told Y/n all about this award show and I knew in her reply that she didn't exactly fully understand why it was so important to me but hey... at least she told me to do great and that if she was there. She would be here for me and be the shoulder I hug whenever I feel nervous. 

"Are you excited?" I hear him ask me, 


"Yeah about performing." He answers, he stops and grabs a chair moving in front of me, "What's going on? You seem distracted." He expresses to me, I sigh at this and let my shoulders fall,

"I miss my girlfriend. Like so much but I feel like it's selfish to say as she's literally trying to stop a war." I explain to him, he grins at this.

"You're allowed to miss her. She's your girlfriend after all." He tells me, resting his hand on my forearm. Giving me a light smile. "Have you heard from her recently?"

"No. Her last letter was about 2 weeks and a bit ago. She told me if they stop, it's because things are getting more and more busy that she's starting to lose sleep writing letters finding someone to hand them off, she doesn't mind but I told her that it was fine and she didn't have too but I regret it. I regret it so much." I explain, holding my hand over my face. "I just want to know she's okay..." I sigh out, he rests his hand on my back.

"Everything's gonna be okay, can you not send her a letter?" 

"I don't know, I'm scared too." I admit sheepishly, he nods his head and continues to do my make up. 

"We'll figure something out, I assure you." He tells me, I nod my head and sigh. 

Let's get this over with...


I arrive and walk on the red carpet, letting everyone take pictures, and whoever I hear first. I turn in that direction. Once I was done, I head inside and greet a few people. Saying hi to everyone. Trying to keep happy and keep myself distracted. One thing that I realised with falling in love with a member in the army, is that when their off in war, fighting. And your here, doing absolutely nothing. You feel the need to belittle everything because they are always doing something more important. You want to do more but you don't know how and when you try too, sometimes it still just doesn't feel good enough.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Sophie and Joe,

"Oh, my God. Hi!" I exclaim and sit up, hugging Sophie and placing a kiss on her cheek, her doing the same. I turn to Joe and we hug, both of us kissing each other's cheek. I pull away from the hug and glance at both of them, "How are we both?"

"I'm doing great." Joe answers, with a smile.

"I'm fantastic! How are you?" She asks me, I shrug lightly, beckoning the question away. "What's up? You okay?" She asks me, sounding a little worried. I glance at Joe who just nods his head.

"Of course, I'll let you two speak alone. I'll see you in a bit, babe." He says turning to Sophie and kisses her cheek before walking away, she turns back to me.

"Okay! Tell me. What's up?" She asks me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I lean close to her and sigh, wrapping my arms around her waist,

"I miss Y/n. I really want her here but I feel selfish because of how important and hardworking she is. I mean, she's fighting and in battle doing god knows what and I'm just thinking about me but I can't help it." I express to her, she shakes her head lightly.

"Hailee, your allowed to be selfish. Especially when you've done such amazing things. It's time that you think about you, when was the last time you got a letter?"

"Like two weeks and a bit ago." I answer, she takes a sharp inhale. "What? What?" I ask her worriedly, removing my arms. "Is that bad?"

"You sure she's still alive?" She jokes, I look at her shocked.

"Oh, my God... Oh, my god! What if she—"


"What if—? What if she has died and they are sending her body back right now—"

"It was a joke, I'm sorry!" She apologises and pulls me in a tight hug, rubbing my back and petting my hair softly. "I'm sorry! I'm sure she's safe, alive, and well." She whispers to me softly, I let my shoulders fall and lean into her hug. 

"I hope so..." I mumble quietly,


It was toward the end of my performance and too be honest, I just want to go home. I'm really tired, I sing the last few lines and when I do, people gasp. I look at them confused and see a few pointing behind me, I feel someone tap my shoulder; I turn around and see— HOLY SHIT!

"OH MY GOD!" I drop the microphone and jump into her arms, she hugs me back and smiles widely.

"Hi, baby." She grins out, placing a kiss on my cheek. I sob into her neck and she rubs my back. Smiling. I see Sophie walk beside me and pick up the microphone. 

"Surprise!" She grins out, I laugh at this.

"Y—You were in on this?" I ask her,

"We all were." She says, gesturing to everyone. 

"What?!" I exclaim, making everyone laugh, Y/n sets me down and kisses my cheek. "Um, well, uh..." I glance at Y/n and she gives me a double thumbs up, "t—thank you...? I—I don't really know what to say..." I express, everyone applauds and I turn to Y/n and hug her tightly. She hugs me back and spins around, before kissing me. I kiss her back and slowly pull away, becoming a blushing mess. It was our time to come off and as she goes down the stairs first, I jump on her back and she carries me to my room. 

I really missed her. Like so, so much.


Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now