Wanted and Desired 6

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A/N: Hailee x Reader





Hailee's POV:

I arrive at Katie's house and knock on the door, waiting for her to answer as I hold onto the right strap of my bag, today has been so boring without her. I wonder why she isn't in today, she seemed fine earlier; I hope she is okay. I wait a couple of seconds and soon the door answers, but it's Nancy.

"Hi, Hailee." She greets me, moving out the way to let me in, I smile in gratitude.

"Thanks." I let out, stepping into the house and look around to see if I can find Katie, I don't see her anywhere in the kitchen.

"She up in her room." I hear Nancy inform me, as I turn to her about to ask her; she has this grin on her face. I don't know why but she has this grin, and I don't know if I should know why or if there is honestly something that she knows. She shuts the door behind her and I, once again, thank her then begin to head upstairs. I head into her room and see her fast asleep, it was quite cute to see her fast asleep. But the one thing that does worry me is how she looks a little bit pale, is she okay? I set my bag down and take my shoes off, shutting her door. I get on her bed and crawl towards her, when I get to her arms, I start to place kisses on my way up then kiss the side of her head as she was lying down on her right arm. I see her stir awake before slowly opening her eyes,

"Hi," I greet her, earning a light hum before her turning on her back, I move back a bit, so she doesn't get a fright of how close I am, I straddle her waist and she itches her eyes then sighs and her hands immediately rest on my thighs. Her thumbs moving back, and forth which brings me slight comfort. I only have 30 minutes before I have to go again which sucks as I just want to spend the day with her. "how was your nap?" I ask her, tilting my head slightly.

"I fell asleep?" She groans out, I nod my head. She sighs at this and her shoulders untense a little bit, her left hand itches her left eye once more before it falls back onto my thigh. I like this hand placement we have going on here. "Ugh, I was gonna go get some food." She expresses to me; I chuckle at this lightly and move my hand to her face and move the hair out of her face. "Thank you." She hums out, her voice raspy just like this morning which I have to admit, is pretty attractive. "How is school without me, Steinfeld?" She asks me, teasing in her tone. What's going on with this Castillo that I normally know? I like this.

"Boring, I just want you." I tell her, placing a kiss on her cheek and then on her sweet spot, her tilting her head to give me more access. "I like this side of you." I hum out,

"Mhmm, cherish it. You might not see it as often as you want." I hear Katie tell me, I sit up in protest at this, "Don't be a baby about it." She tells me, laughing before sitting up herself and picking me up as if I was a baby and setting me off of her, "I want food." She tells me, heading toward the door, walking away. I rush after her. I want more. I jump on her back when we get to the middle landing, earning a laugh from her. I like her outfit right now, it's cute. She continues to carry me as we head downstairs, her talking to Nancy in Spanish which I also find attractive, but I can't pick up on anything because they are talking so fast and kind of over each other so I don't really understand. "Oh, fine." I hear her huff out, I look at her confused. "I'll tell you in a moment." She whispers to me, noticing my confusion. I nod my head. I wonder if everything's alright. I see Nancy leave the room as Katie walks over toward the fridge and opens the door, she grabs her fruit salad and grabs a bottle of water, "Want some water?" She offers,

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now