Cheering Hailee Up

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Hailee feels as though her performance wasn't good enough and when she goes backstage and to her room, her girlfriend comforts her.

I thought this was a cute idea, lemme know.



Hailee's POV:

I hear everyone clapping but I don't feel good about this performance, I thank everyone for coming and hope they have a nice night as well as thanking my dancers before heading off the stage,

"Well done, Hailee." I hear one of my friends tell me, my face immediately drains and I lean into them while my mic's being taken off and it's turned off.

"That was so shit. I did so shit." I complain, I start to hear all these compliments but I don't believe any of them. I just want my girlfriend right now. She knows how to cheer me up.

"I assure you, it wasn't bad." I hear my dad say, rubbing my back. I shake my head and try not to cry.

"I really enjoyed it." I hear Griffin butt in,

"Hailee! Hailee! Hailee!" I hear the crowd chant, I didn't give my all though and it was so bad, I feel horrible.

"Good job, Hailee!"

"Hey, well done." I hear people say as I begin to walk past and through everything to get to my dressing room and have some privacy.

"I really liked the performance, truly." I hear Ella assure me,

"I was so bad." I mumble under my breath, sighing at how drained I am.

"Hey, well done, Hailee." I hear someone say, walking past. 

"Thank you!" I say, pretending to be happy then once they were out of sight, I turn ahead and feel my face drain. "I just want Y/n." I inform my mom, 

"What was that?" I hear her say,

"Can you go get Y/n? I just want her right now." I express to her, now here's the thing, Y/n and my mom are the best of friends and I love seeing the two interact. She nods her head and takes everyone with her while I head into my dressing room and she gets Y/n from the mini bus. Apparently she was there. I sit on the couch and I'm really trying not to break down.

Y/n's POV:

 I'm on the bus right now as I have a massive headache and everything just seemed extra loud than it really was. I see everyone coming in but Mrs Steinfeld pulls me away out of the bus,

"So, Hailee is a bit upset right now, she thinks that she done really bad and she was telling me to get you and was wondering if you could go see her in her dressing room." Mrs Steinfeld explains to me, I nod my head lightly.

"Yeah, of course. I will keep you updated." I tell her, she smiles at this,

"Thank you, I don't want to panic or anything but I am a little worried about her, she seems really bothered by the performance." She continues onto explain, I nod my head.

"I see, I'll go see her and try to see what I can do." I assure her, starting to move back. Mrs Steinfeld thanks me and heads back inside while I head into the building and soon enough, find Hailee's dressing room. I go inside and wonder what she's doing when I see her head hung down, I shut the door behind me.

"Hey." I grin out, she looks up with teary eyes and I quickly walk over, sitting beside her; she leans into me, beginning to cry and I rest one hand in her hair while the other wraps around her protectively. "What's wrong, my darling?" I whisper to her softly, stroking her hair. Moving a few strands out of her face. 

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now