"...when you know my name is Ray" 3

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


Not gonna lie, this is just fluff, like nothing much will happen so enjoy aha <3



Hailee's POV:

I stir awake to hearing an alarm go off in my ear, making me want to immediately shut it off, turn around and fall back asleep. That is until I feel arms securely around me, protectively, a kiss on my shoulder, trailing up my neck. Feeling myself blush and butterflies flood my stomach.

"Good morning." I hear my beautiful girlfriend's voice whisper to me, I feel blush on my cheeks as I open my eyes, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes and lie on my back, opening my eyes slowly, hoping not to get blinded by the light from the sun to see Y/n hovering over me, with a wide smile. "How're you feeling?" She asks me, placing a kiss on my left cheek and right cheek, before smiling down at me, I wrap my arms around her neck; pulling her down closer to me, she lets her body rest on top of mine,

"I feel... good. Actually..." I answer in reply, letting my chest rise and fall as she places a kiss on my jawline, trailing kisses down my jawline. I smile, moving my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her closer as she moves her kisses further down to my neck, beginning to place delicate kisses on my neck. "And you?"



"Amazing..." She confirms, smiling down at me as she stops kissing my neck and begins to rest her forehead against mines, I wrap my arms around her neck, looking into her beautiful eyes. "What've you got going on today?" She asks me, speaking softly, I take a deep breath in, trying not to blush. I don't know why but she's just very loving and I'm loving it (okay, mcdonalds— i'm so sorry)

"Getting up and going to the gym, I've got a meeting with the label at 2." I answer, yawning, she places a kiss on my head, nodding her head. "You got anything going on?"

"I was gonna do some... shopping." She concludes, slowly moving down but I pull her back up, I kick the covers off of me and wrap my legs around her waist. She laughs, "What're you doing, weirdo?" She asks me,

"You're not leaving me." I tell her, she wraps her arms protectively around me and begins to stand up and off of the bed, heading into the walk-in closet. "You wanna get an outfit?"

"I'll get it later." I mumble into her neck, placing a kiss on her cheek, she nods her head and heads into the bathroom, both of us brushing her teeth, I'm sitting on the counter; she's being boring and standing, she cleans her toothbrush once she's done before spinning around and attempting to throw it into the cup but I catch it mid-air, seeing her mouth fall open in shock as I laugh and set it in, "Take that." She attempts to push the toothbrush but I hit her hand away, her laughing, "Don't you dare." I tell her, she laughs,

"Not the finger pointing." She says, pretending to be scared; I hit her arm as I laugh,

"Shut up. Let me brush my teeth—"

"—Aw, let me brush my teeth—" I hit her in the head, "—OW!" She lets out, holding her head in pain, "This is abuse—"

"Shhh...." I say, leaning down and wrapping my hand around her mouth as she chuckles, moving in front of me, I shake my head lightly before seeing her attempt to push the toothbrush a little down again but I move out the way, she begins poking at my sides. "Hey—hey—!" I say laughing,

"—Aw, hey! Nice seeing you, feel like I haven't seen you in a while—!"

"—Stop it—!" I tell her, giggling before she finally puts her hands up,

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now