Actress and the Reader

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

Summary: Y/n is dating Hailee and she likes to read, Hailee is an actress and doesn't mind reading since she sort've needs too so she can read scripts but a part from that, she doesn't really fancy books, unless it's Y/n explaining it or written from her.

To be honest, don't really know what this is. Just thought it'd be cute.



Hailee's POV:

I arrive home, shutting the door behind me and kicking my shoes off; letting out a groan as I begin to untie my laces, then take the shoe off and set it down, I rest my hand against the wall to get the other shoe off. Setting it down and looking around, trying to figure out where my girlfriend could be.

I have to admit, she has this cool book that's a murder mystery. Only 3 people have solved it in the last 100 years and if it isn't figured out by the end of the year, no one ever will. It's intriguing to see her at her murder— that's where she'll be. In her reading room that I helped her design. I take my long coat off and hang it up,

"Baby, I'm home!" I call out to her, heading toward her library room that I know she'll be in. I knock on the door, knowing that you have to knock and wait for her to call you in otherwise she'll get annoyed. Unless it's me, she doesn't mind it if it's me however, it's the polite thing to do. "Babe, can I come in?" I question, hoping that I can go in to see if she's made any progress from the last time I saw her which was 16 hours ago.

"Yeah, come on in." I hear her beautiful voice reply, I open the door, my eyes immediately landing on hers. Seeing her in black dress pants, dock martins, a white shirt with a gray vest over it. She turns to me, wearing her blue-light glasses and looking adorable while wearing them. "Hello, my love. How are you?" She asks me, resting her hand on a cup and taking a sip of her hot chocolate as I swear it's all she drinks these days of autumn.

"I'm alright, a little tired. Any progress?" I question, walking in and shutting the door behind me. I walk over, standing beside her, she sets the cup down and wipes her lips before she leans close to me. Resting her head on my shoulder.

"No. Stupidly fucking no. I hate it." She expresses to me, removing her head from my shoulder and looking into my eyes, "I hate it so much, I even cut out a page but realised that it went nowhere." She continues to complain, I groan in frustration with her. Even if I've tried some reasonable solutions and Y/n would deny them in seconds with such an intelligent answer, it's admirable but also a little curious and worrying as she could kill someone and probably get away with it.

"Have you tried the Cardon Theory?" I suggest, she nods her head, turning back to her murder wall.

"Couldn't have been him." She denies, I turn to the wall with her and stare at the red strings, green strings and amber strings.

"What, how? I thought it was true!" I rebuttal, she chuckles, wrapping an arm around my waist and tugs me closer to her, I cling onto her, wrapping my arms around her.

"I know, baby." She replies softly, placing a kiss on my forehead. "However, when I read over his interview and his statement afterwards, it didn't match up." She informs me, making me look at her hopefully, "Don't get too excited, my love, there was a murder that happened in the Casino during a blackout and there was one eyewitness. Mr Cardon O'Neill. However, all he felt was a slight gust of wind then something crawl up his back before feeling something, an arm retract across his upper arm. Meaning he couldn't have done it as he was two tables away from the murder and he didn't leave his chair as his wife continued to hold his hand. Plus, how can you kill from two tables away." She expresses to me, me nodding my head along with her words toward the end,

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