"...and I heard you say, 'Oh, Y/n'..." 2

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


I'm excited, I hope you all are!




Y/n's POV:

I groan in frustration when I hear banging on my door. I was just about to finish... I pull my hand out of my boxers and go wash my hands, the pounding on the door still happening. Oh, my god! It is 2 in the fucking morning, what could be so important?!

I head downstairs and unlock my door, I open it,

"What—?! Oh, Niall, hi—" He pushes me, coming in and slamming the door shut, "What the hell was that for?!" I ask, even more angry. First, he interrupts my masterbating and second, he pushes me and is angry at me.

"You little fuck, what did you and Hailee do when I wasn't there?" Niall asks me, walking over and gripping my t-shirt.

"What're you talking about—?"

"—What. Did you two... do?" He reiterates, I roll my eyes.

"We went to the beach after a little bit of walking around, then went swimming, watched the sunset, then I took her home!" I exclaim in reply, he shakes his head.

"I know your lying, you piece of shit!" He shouts at me, I push him off of me.

"Why don't you tell me what the fuck happened that's made you act like this?" I ask in reply, he huffs at this, rolling his eyes.

"Hailee! She..." He doesn't speak afterwards but stares at me, he sighs when he realises that I have no clue what he's on about and does some sexual hand gesture.

"Woah, what the—?"

"No, we didn't do that! She... She had a sex dream about you!" He informs me, angrily and sitting down, sighing and shaking his head.

"What, so instead of talking about it like a grown ass man in the morning and calmly, you decide to come here, yell at me for something I can't control and expect me to be fine with it?" I question, him staying quiet and covering his face with his hands before shaking his head; he removes his hands, running it through his hair and he shuts his eyes for a moment.

"I'm sorry—"

"—Sorry doesn't fucking cut it, get out of my house." I tell him, heading over to the door and opening it for him,

"Come on, Y/n, I—I said sorry—"

"And I said! Sorry doesn't cut it, out now!" I shout at him, he sighs and walks over to the door, muttering another apology before leaving, I lock the door and rest my back against the door. Sighing.

My best friend who I have a crush on had a sex dream about me and her boyfriend caught her...



Hailee's POV:

Today has been so weird for me and I hate it, I hate it so much. I woke up and saw that Niall wasn't here only to find out, he's slept on the couch. He'll barely speak to me and when I speak to Y/n, it's just awkward.

What the hell did I do?

Right now, me and Niall are watching a movie on the couch and he's very far away from me. Normally, we'd be cuddling and kissing and sometimes making out and missing the movie all-together, but he's so quiet and distant.

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now