Caught between two

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A/N: Hailee x Reader

INSPO: CrookedlyThoughtful

Summary: Y/n is caught between Hailee and Florence, as Hailee and Y/n's relationship begins to shake, Y/n confides in her best friend where they begin to drip in just as much sexual tension.

I got so excited by their new chapter! It's such a good book and every chapter leaves me wanting more, I love it so much!

Enjoy ; )



Y/n's POV:

I stare at my phone screen in disbelief. I can't believe it. I can't believe she fucking lied to me, and has the audacity to continuously play dumb right in front of my fucking face. I'm at my best friend's house, I think she can tell something's wrong with me but I'm trying to mask it, I just... am struggling.

"All right, darling, you have been sitting quietly, bouncing your leg and barely saying a word to me. What's going on?" Florence asks me, pausing the movie and setting down her glass of wine. Her leaning back comfortably into her couch. I sigh, letting my shoulders fall, I didn't think it was that obvious.

"Is it obvious?" I question, chuckling quietly in hopes of making her less worried, yet knowing Florence Pugh, I doubt it.

"Yes, it is, now what is it?" Florence repeats, I clench my jaw, staring at the wall behind her as I hand her my phone, showing her an article that shows Hailee and Niall are hanging out at some fancy fucking restaurant in New York together. Hailee's away in New York on business and her plane is leaving in 5 hours so she can come home and have her day off with me. That was the plan. Is she even gonna make it? And if so, is she even going to tell me about this. "What the fuck?" I hear her mutter, continuing to read the article. She glances at me, once done and hands me back my phone. "I don't feel right about this."

"Neither do I..." I mutter under my breath, letting my right leg bounce as I feel my heart begin to race at the gut-wrenching feeling of heartbreak. "Do... Do you think they kissed?" I ask her, quietly. Hoping that they didn't but having a gut-feeling that something happened.

"I... I don't know." She replies, speaking quietly as her eyes stare at the coffee table in front of us, I shake my head and cover my face. Sighing. Trying not to cry.

"Fuck." I let out, quietly. Shaking my head. I remove my hands, letting out a shaky breath.

"Come here, my love." She whispers to me, opening her arms for me to crawl into, I crawl towards her, leaning into her touch and resting my head on her chest; she lays down and lets me cuddle into her. I know that if Hailee was here and not in New York, she would be jealous. She's always been on some high alert whenever I've recently been with Florence as if she knows something but she's my best friend. We've cuddled so many times. We've slept next to each other so many times. We've made flirtatious jokes so many times. We've done a lot together but Hailee always reminds me that I'm hers. But am I? Am I even hers anymore? "It's okay, you can fall asleep." Florence whispers to me, I nod my head and shut my eyes, yawning. Sleepy. I begin to fall fast asleep in the arms of Florence Pugh.

Florence's POV:

Hailee fucking Steinfeld. You one poor poor woman who is going to get bitch-slapped when I next see her. I warned her, I warned her! That if she did one wrong move, I would easily move ahead and take Y/n for myself. I guess now's my chance since she seemingly likes to fuck up the only real thing she's ever had going for her.

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