Heartache 3

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A/N: Nadine x Reader





Y/n's POV:

Nadine wraps her arms around me tightly before pulling away and cupping my face with her right hand and using her left thumb to wipe all the tears that fell down my face.

"I'm so sorry..." She breathes out softly, I sniffle lightly.

"Can..." I let out a stressful sigh, using my sleeve to wipe the rest of the tears that fell, "Can I come in?" I ask her, she nods her head and directs me inside; she shuts the door behind me and I take my shoes off and set them on the rack then Nadine directs me to her room.

"You want to sit down?" She asks me, I nod my head and sit down on the edge of her bed, she sits down beside me and rests her hand on the side of my face, using her thumb to move back and forth on my cheekbone; I turn to her, feeling comforted by her touch.

"Thanks... for this." I mumble out, she shakes her head lightly.

"It's fine." She replies softly, "I'm so sorry to hear about your dad."

"I'm not." I express to her, letting my shoulders fall. "As much as I don't want to admit this but... I sorta had a feeling like something like this would happen..." I admit to her, she nods her head, staying quiet. "I just wish he'd prove me wrong." I mumble quietly, she leans forward and I go to lean back as it looks like she's trying to kiss me but she rests her forehead against mines and rests her right hand on my cheek, using her thumb to stroke my cheekbone while her left hand stopped and moved to her side. Her full body turns to me and I just lean toward her touch.

"Is... there anything I can do?" She asks me, I think for a moment before I nod my head. "What is it? I'll do anything. Just tell me and I'll do it." She admits softly, I grin at this, slightly blushing. God, after breaking my heart in two, she still makes me feel special.


"Anything." She confirms, almost immediately.

"Can we cuddle? And can I stay the night?" I ask her, "I don't feel like going home right now." I admit sheepishly, she nods her head.

"Of course. I'd like to do both." She admits, I grin at this. "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Mhmm." I mumble. "I'll try to be." I respond, before yawning. "I'm really tired." After a few moments of silence, I hear a light sniffle and turn to see Nadine tearing up, a few tears falling down her face. "Oh..." I let out and cup her face, wiping her tears away for her.

"Am I too late?" She asks me, randomly. I sit up a little and look at her. Confused. "I just..." She lets out a shaky breath, "I feel like I messed up so much with us. I mean, you deserve more." She expresses to me, I continue to stare into her eyes as she continues; an upset expression growing across her face that somehow makes my heart hurt for her, even if she did hurt me. My feelings didn't lessen at all. "Trust me on this, if you ever gave me another chance, I would do it all differently." She tells me, "I would, I really, really would. I'm so, so sorry." She apologises, I shake my head lightly.


"I mean it." She states, sounding as if she was pleading with me. "I could barely sleep knowing that you were angry and upset with me, even though you have every right to be." She expresses, I quickly lean in and kiss her. She falls back a little but rests her hand on my neck and I hold her close; she kisses me back and both of us kiss tenderly and lovingly, I slow the kiss down and try not to rush anything as I know that Nadine has slim to no experience with this sort of thing, not that I judge her for it. I find it quite cute. We pull away once breathing becomes an issue and we both look into each other's eyes, smiling lightly and blushing. "You kissed me." She breathes out softly, I laugh lightly.

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