Torn Apart 4

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A/N: Hailee x Reader


People wanted a part 4 so, I give in... I give in!



Y/N's POV:

I kiss her back, holding her close to me and resting my hand on her cheek, using my thumb to rub her cheekbone, before pulling away and patting her thighs.

"Okay, I gotta continue to listen—"

"—No..." Hailee trails off, placing multiple kisses around my face, "you're good at multi-tasking." She tells me,

"I know, but I promise, once this is done. You're the first person I'll come too—"

"—I'll be quick—"

"—Who said that you were topping?"

"Is that even a question—?"

"—Yes. Yes, it fucking is. Come here." I tell her, seeing her begin to move off of me, she sits herself back down, and I pull her in for a languid, passionate kiss. Quickly taking dominance over the kiss. Her pulling away,

"Please, baby?"

"No, come on, I have to study—"

"—Please...?" I sigh, leaning back in my chair. "But—"

"—Hailee... my love, I promise..." I tell her, looking up at her with my best puppy dog eyes. "Please, just let me finish this class and I promise as soon as I'm done, we will continue." I express to her, seeing her shoulders fall and her body rest against mines, her head tucking into the nape of my neck, placing a trail of kisses down my neck.

"...Fine. Only if I get to stay with you for the rest of the hour." She demands,

"Whatever you like." I answer in reply, placing a kiss on her shoulder. I begin to write down a couple of notes that I missed before being asked a question. Feeling Hailee run her hand down my body as I answer,

"That's correct." I hear the teacher say, I quickly go off mute and look at Hailee.

"What the hell was that?" I ask,

"What was what?" She asks, innocently. I rest my hand on the back of her neck, pulling her into a bruising kiss. She whimpers before kissing me back and I slightly tilt my head to the right, her to the left, I bit her bottom lip, tilting my head back as her eyes open, staring into mines, her eyes slightly darkened. I smile. I release her bottom lip, her quickly going to kiss me yet I move my head to the side, writing down a few more notes. "Ugh, I hate you." She complains, resting her head against the side of my head,

"I know, my darling, but it'll all be worthwhile once I'm done here." I tell her, not even looking in her direction, telling myself not too for the rest of the class, no matter how much she tries to force me to look at her.


As soon as class is done, I shut everything off quickly, and slam the laptop screen shut. Picking her up and taking her to her room. Thankfully, her parents are out running errands and Griffin is blasting music loudly from the garage. I still want her to be quiet, I shut the door with my back, locking the door while staring into her eyes.

"Now, I need you to be quiet, okay?" I tell her, her nodding her head and leaning more into me, I quickly head over to her bed, lying us down on the bed and our lips quickly attach to each other's. Our kiss languid, passionate, and filled with lust. As I pull away, moving up, I see her groan, hitting her head against the pillows as her eyes open and she looks at me angry. "Don't be angry at me, get that look off your face—"

Hailee x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now